Crystalbrite filter pads.

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New Member
Dec 14, 2012
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Bear with me.....only posting this here 'cos I don't know where else to put it. :oops:

(Mods, please move to the right section if this isn't it! :thumb: )

What is the filter capacity(?) of these pads in microns? anyone know??, only asking as I have a chance to buy some cheap out of date(but unused) round medical type filters(they look like car fuel filters), don't want to waste my time if they are not going to do the job.


I thought I was going to have to ask Andrew Harris of Harris Filters and Harris Homebrew (which coincidentally is my LHBS) but I tried googling it first.

1.75 microns

And probably the best price for them that I've seen online, although I haven't looked at P&P.
Moley said:
I thought I was going to have to ask Andrew Harris of Harris Filters and Harris Homebrew (which coincidentally is my LHBS) but I tried googling it first.

1.75 microns

And probably the best price for them that I've seen online, although I haven't looked at P&P.

Never thought about Google :oops:
So the 0.2micron I can get cheap may be a little bit of overkill then! :rofl:

Cheers Moley.

Moley said:
Got to be worth a try if the price is right though :thumb:

Just ran a gallon of Crystalbrite filtered wine through a 0.2um filter, jeez, it was clear before, it now looks like it's been polished if that makes sense?.......dunno, looks like it's filtered some of the colour out, is that possible??? :wha:

Not sure if 0.2um is needed! :hmm:

