Crafty fox kit

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Jul 21, 2017
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So I bought a crafty fox 4.5 litre all grain kit to start me off with the all grain process, I want to use the BIAB method but instructions don't have that , just a 3 pot method. Says I have to steep grain in 2 litres then sparge with more untill it's 5.8 then boil that,

if added just 6 litres into my pot and steeped then removed and sparged with 5th wort already in pot would that be enough for a boil to reach the 5 or 4.5 litre target

Hope this makes sense.
I'd just steep total water amount they suggest then squeeze the bag and boil skip the barge
Steep your grains in 6L of water, at 66 degrees and then put your bag in a sieve/collander and pour water at 70 degrees over very slowly from a kettle to get a desired boiling volume of 6 litres and then squeeze as well. Making small volumes can be a headache because the boil off can be quite frightening. After boiling you should have your desired volume. also you don't need to boil the bejesus out of it but just a nice steady rolling boil. Regards the above advice, you really should sparge, to get your boil volume and make the most out of your grains. I stick my temp. probe in the kettle to get the desired temp and sparge into the Ferm bucket, but ANY bucket will do
I'll have a big sieve that sits on top of pot of wort, if I place grain bag in this and sparge over the top till reached desires amount? I bought the porter kit and plan to add rum soaked raisins, any ideas on quantities, was just gonna use 1 or 2 of the kids little raisin boxes and maybe a miniature of dark rum
I'll have a big sieve that sits on top of pot of wort, if I place grain bag in this and sparge over the top till reached desires amount? I bought the porter kit and plan to add rum soaked raisins, any ideas on quantities, was just gonna use 1 or 2 of the kids little raisin boxes and maybe a miniature of dark rum

I reckon thats fine - why not. I would mark your pot at the 6L point so you know where you are.Iv e done so many now personally that I can do it by eye. But spargng is so important to get the most from you grain bill. Once you have done a few, everything will fall into place. Just don't make it complicated - it doesn't need to be. KISS.