I'm considering investing in one of the above because i dont fancy waiting for an IC to chill nearly 20 gallons of wort.
My question is though, do any of you guys recirculate the cooled wort back into the boiler for a sort of "double cooling" effect... where the cold wort cools the hot wort down, presumably making chilling times shorter, and thus reducing the amount of water used for chilling. would this also filter the wort better from going through the hop bed a couple of times?
My question is though, do any of you guys recirculate the cooled wort back into the boiler for a sort of "double cooling" effect... where the cold wort cools the hot wort down, presumably making chilling times shorter, and thus reducing the amount of water used for chilling. would this also filter the wort better from going through the hop bed a couple of times?