Counter Chiller Experiment

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You are absolutely right there is a pump involved, but I am pumping from nowhere to nowhere.
I know I am being pedantic and hypocritical!
Your coils are brill, but I think your outer has too large a diameter. There is nothing for it to cool outside of it as I think it too near the the walls of your tun.
Don't forget I'm from the dark ages and therefore have a mind set (for better or worse)!
I think I'll go my own sweet way making superior beer to the nationals and leave you lot to your high tech rocket science.
The whole point is that you cool your beer quickly . . . if it works great . . . of course you could go even lower tech and stir it with a spoon. :lol:

The outer coil is actually a good couple of inches in diameter smaller than the kettle, so plenty of space for it to cool the wort on the outside . . . incidentally I widened the spacing between the coils to about 10mm.

I'm forced to use a pump for water and wort transfer as I have a very fragile back and don't really want to risk moving buckets of wort around . . .especially 18 gallons worth, which I'm also forced to do as I have to brew outside.

Low tech works well . . . and I often drop down to the simple approach for a lot of my brewing
I did use a spoon initially, but as you can see there not much room to wield it.
My very first agitator was an electric drill, then I came across the one I use now.
Sorry to hear about your back Aleman, I also have a crushed disc so I use a system of pulleys to move my buckets and boiler about.
I'm only talking about 5 gals at a time and I am lucky enough to be able to brew in my garage.
Mashing is done using the "floating mash tun" method and sparging is by a gravity fed piece of flexible hose fitted with a small watering can rose.
No Vossy1, I didn't pump as it was a gravity feed test using cold water.
I would have expected at least a ltr/min through the cfc, you got slow run off for some reason :hmm:
I wouldn't pump anyway as that is the begining of the road to a "rocket science" brewery!
I still like to live in the dark ages and use the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid).
No brew yet, but it passes 5 gal in 11 mins, as good as if not better than my bucket mounted coils, but so much more convenient!
I also poured a kettle of boiling water through it. It came out at 18 degs C.
Will use it for cooling boiled malt for yeast ranching and starters.
Very pleased with it and I nearly gave it Away!!
Thanks V1
(My first step towards "rocket science")
Superb piece of work.

As I mentioned previously, it's probably the first "Whirlpool Chiller". The best way to cool is to keep it moving past the coils to dissipate the heat like a counter-flow but much faster.

:thumb: :cheers:
Just a couple of pics (Commsbiff says you like them on this forum) showing my CFC and simple mod for cooling small quantities (couldn't do this with my bucket chiller)!
