corny keg brewing

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Dec 21, 2012
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further to earlier comments,

I would like to know the basic brewing process when using a corny keg?

currently i do this

1. empty tins of dme in 10 gallon bucket
2. stir in some hot water.
3 add my Tesco pre chilled water
4. temp 23 deg C add yeast slant starter culture
5. add vityeast
6. rack off at 1012
7 into corny keg add 2.5 oz sucrose
8. fit lid loose, apply squirt co2 to seat cap then secure clip.
9. remove co2 , shake keg few seconds
10. store at 17oC a month or so
11. then put in garage (this weather is approx 7oC)
12. attach party tap,

Result have to decant into a jug and let it settle , if i am lucky i can later i can cecant into jug with minimal froth. only use C02 to keep just pressure to pour.

Well where am i going wrong ???
You need to lengthen your beer line between the keg and tap or change to smaller diameter pipe. I use about 1m 1/8th inch pipe and since I started using this method it has controlled the foaming.