Cornelius and Flash Chiller.

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Feb 24, 2009
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I've got to get some John Guest fittings for a Cornelius Keg I bought with disconnects but no speedfit connectors. Can someone tell me the part number so I can order in a couple? I'm also going to hook up my flash chiller and I'm assuming I need 3/8th JG straight connectors for every outlet? I'll be looping the lines that aren't in use and not using blanking plugs. I've also got a Dalex tap which i've cut a hole in the handle of the keg to seat it, I need to get some washers/nuts to secure it first but do I need a JG fitting for the back of the tap or just push the pipe into the tap?
What connection is it to the back of the tap? Mine has a barb fitting, so my pipe is just pushed on. I have seen some with JG fittings though.
For the corney disconnects...... ... 240%3A1318

3/8 x 1/4 FFL

Sorry don't know the part number, but I, literally, just bought some for when I get more fed up with the gas-in barbs that I have.

For the tap, if the tubing is the right size then I push it in, if not an appropriate straight or elbow adapter, same seller on ebay will have what you want.
Cheers boys, I've got some Cornelius with barbs too Trunky and as I've got the oppurtunity to buy new I'm going for JG to see if I like them better. I figured I'd just have to ram the pipe in but the Dalex is a little odd looking, I'll get a pic of it up in a bit if I can get near the camera.
Harmony Hut wins again and I got my stuff in super quick time as usual top man! I've got some pictures of the back of the Dalex Tap. I think it's 3/16th's ?? No tape measure as mine got stood on. Some pictures below if anyone can shed any light on it. 3/8'ths pipe is definitely too large to be pushed in and the threaded barrel diameter is about 20mm. There is some odd looking little plug that squashes into the end of the back of the tap too. Not sure what that is but photographed it too.




That is a built-in 3/16th speedfit, I don't think the bit that you pulled out is meant to be removable!
Yipes! It came dislodged and I shoved it in there and it holds itself in without falling out. I was thinking something along those lines as it happens Trunky. I'm not going to be using 3/16th pipe as I can get a good pint from 3/8ths and the flash chiller. Is there a fitting I can push fit to build up from 3/16th to 3/8th? I'm not really enthused at the prospect of buying 3m of 3/16th to use a 3/16th to 3/8th connector!

Cheers for the help so far Trunky you're a plumbing wizard!
Not seen one myself, what Aleman has suggested will work fine.
Cheers chaps, I figured it would be a case of some 3/16th then into a 3/16th to 3/8th connector to step it up. I need to get 6 3/8th straight connectors for my flash chiller so it may be possible for Harmony Hut to throw me a couple of inches of 3/16th into the mix..fingers crossed.
I was getting annoyed with holding my tap with both hands as I hadn't managed/been bothered to source a back nut to fix it to the Cornelius handle yet. I was clearing out a drawer today and found a hozelok fitting and it all clicked into place. Here's what it looks like now and it's solid as a rock....and it would need to be as the Dalex is stiff as anything.
