Coopers kits?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Hi all,
Just ben on T**co direct and seen the coopers kits are on special with around a 3rd off.
I've only brewed 2 can kits and a BB IPA, so what im wondering is are the coopers kits any good?
I know they're ok as i've read reviews on them but how do they compare to the 2 can kits, is there a dramatic diference or is it minimal?

I've never done a 2 can kit yet although I do have one to do, but coopers are good kits and really tasty, what one are you thinking about getting?
From experience, the coopers kits are very good, but the paler beers do take a little while in the bottle to give their best - the APA was around 6 weeks, and the Cervesa was nearly 2 months IIRC. However, the stout was good after only a couple of weeks in the cold, and is still lovely now, four months on.
Just ordered two lager kits for £9.77 each off tesco.
Based on the excellent Draugh kit i did earlier (made a complete hash of it and it was still good) i am just going to add 1kg brewing sugar and maybe 250 light spray malt.
My Dad used to do kit and AG home brew back in the eighties and he could not believe how good the coopers home brew was compared to the stuff he used to make.
He's already asked for a keg making for his birthday.
alawlor66430 said:
I've never done a 2 can kit yet although I do have one to do, but coopers are good kits and really tasty, what one are you thinking about getting?

Was thinking about getting a carveza for summer.
Do it in the next few weeks, bottle it, and you'll have a really nice crisp cervesa for summer. It's quite a citrussy brew, but with very little hopping. Punk IPA fans need not apply!

Everyone that has had a bottle of mine has been pleased with it, and I've always had empty glasses which is a good sign!
Andy, do yourself a favour & get a Coopers Stout. For best results, use 1kg of dark or extra dark malt extract, brew to to about 21 litres & in about 3 weeks you will be supping liquid gold. One of the best kits on the market in my opinion. You can also use treacle, dark brown sugar treacle etc.
Beauty of this kit is, it is very fast fermenting, & doesnt need long in the bottle/keg to start drinking.
hong said:
Andy, do yourself a favour & get a Coopers Stout. For best results, use 1kg of dark or extra dark malt extract, brew to to about 21 litres & in about 3 weeks you will be supping liquid gold. One of the best kits on the market in my opinion.


I mainly do Extract brewing now, but keep a supply of Coopers Stout on the go using this method, bottling it all and leaving it to mature at least 6 weeks. It really is very, very good. :D

Regarding the other Coopers kits, I'd say they're OK, but if you're after that true "real ale" thing then you'll get progressively better beer doing 2-can kits, Extract, then All Grain. However, if people have only ever done 1-can kits then I can see how they'd be pleasantly surprised, the quality is really quite good, especially if you brew them a bit short and use Brew Enhancer rather than sugar. I tend to go for the larger-like 1-can kits, and bottle them. If I'm doing an English ale destined for the barrel, I go 2-can or Extract.

And I still do the odd 1-can kit, in fact I've got one on at the moment. Sometimes you want to knock out a brew real quick.
Mexican Cerveza is going to be my next kit, can't wait to have another crack at it as it's full of promise.

With regards to the stout, is it something along the lines of guinness? I quite like a pint of guinness from time to time but I've never really tried anything else stout-like (other than sweetheart stout when I was about 10, my mum drank it and gave me a shandy with it on Friday nights lol).
hong said:
I honestley think its better than Guinness

Is it along the same lines though? Same style kinda thing? I quite like the taste of guinness so with that in mind should I like the coopers stout?

That's the thing with homebrew, as great as it is catering to your tastes it's difficult to branch out as it's not as if you can buy a can/bottle to try it before you buy 40 pints :D
I have found the one can kits of porter a little on the sweet side an way too fruity.
The couple I have tried made me think I was drinking alcoholic vimto :sick:

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