Coopers kits question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
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Hello all,
I have recently made Coopers European and Coopers Australian. Both were in the fv for about 2 weeks and then bottled. I can't remember the fg's but they had fermented out. I have tried them both after 2 weeks in the bottle. I realise the taste should improve with time but they were both flat. Is it possible that no yeast made it to the bottles? Any other thoughts would be appreciated.


How are you bottling?
How much priming sugar are you using?
2 weeks there won't be that much fizz but they should probably not be flat...
bottles were obviously sterilised and rinsed?
Go through all the basics of what could have gone wrong and see if you missed anything out, when i've had problems it's usually been something blindingly obvious that, er :wha: , wasn't blindingly obvious... like bottling 20 before realising i hadn't added the primer...
Yup, bottles cleaned and rinsed.
Teaspoon of brewing sugar in each bottle.

Now i think about it, maybe my cleaning was a bit rushed. mmm
warm em up to fermenting temp for a week or two. then back to the cool place.
European takes at least 12 weeks to get 'good' drinking level.
are they totally flat or is there a small noise on opening? If there is even the smallest amount of co2 released then they probably just need a little more time :thumb:
yeah stick them in the garage or shed for a month. if its plastic bottles then u can feel the bottle to see if its getting harder and carbonated. aftr a week or two you should notice the difference
rickthebrew said:
are they totally flat or is there a small noise on opening? If there is even the smallest amount of co2 released then they probably just need a little more time :thumb:

Totally flat. Not even the slightest hint of a hiss.
I use Coopers kits all the time. I use 1.5 tspn table sugar in a 750 ml plastic soda bottle and start drinking them after a week. I have never had a bottle that wasn't carbed well but they lose some of their sweetness and taste better the longer you let them condition in the bottle at room temp. I'v never got far enough ahead I could let them go very long.
If you used glass beer bottles it's possible the crown caps didnt seal properly when you capped them. perhaps you didnt use enough force with your capping tool.
If they still don`t carbonate :( open one and see if you can taste the priming sugar - if they are still a bit sweet you could try re-seeding with a few grains of dried yeast, i`ve never done this but think that is the basic principle.

Hope it works out for you :thumb:
Leave it a couple of weeks Orange, if you've still no joy I could try to pop round and see you (you're sort of on my way to work) if you think a second opinion is going to be much use...

Just tried a Coopers kit myself, first bottle yesterday, and it was not very fizzy at all. There was a little fizz, but for a lager, I would describe it as flat.

I only kept them in the warm for 1 week, then in the cold for 2 weeks. Do you think I should put them back in the warm for a bit? After that, will they need moving back to the cold for another couple of weeks to clear again before drinking, or will they still be clear?


Just tried a Coopers kit myself, first bottle yesterday, and it was not very fizzy at all. There was a little fizz, but for a lager, I would describe it as flat.

I only kept them in the warm for 1 week, then in the cold for 2 weeks. Do you think I should put them back in the warm for a bit? After that, will they need moving back to the cold for another couple of weeks to clear again before drinking, or will they still be clear?

How much sugar did you prime with? I`d go a whole teaspoon for a lager, how warm was warm? I find a week or two at a lower temp is just as good. It may just need another week or so :D
i am putting my coopers in a pressure barrel tomorrow after 6 days. Do i have to add anymore sugar to it when i put it in the barrel?
yes - around 80grams of sugar will be ideal for a bitter :thumb: Which coopers did you brew?

The added sugar will ferment with the left over yeast in suspension and give your brew some fizz and condition :thumb:
coopers oz lager.

so add 80 grams on top of the kilo i used at the fermentation stage?