Cooper's Irish Stout (Brew #3)

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Dec 27, 2010
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Tonight I made up my 3rd kit - Thomas Cooper's Brewmaster (wouldn't call myself that :shock: ) Selection Irish Stout.

I had a bag of Munton's Beer Enhancer to go with it, on the recommendation of my LHBS.

Sterilising the gear

Boiling the Extract

Decanting the used VWP solution into the barrel for cleaning after finishing the last brew ;)

The lovely Wort

Empty can

My source of empty glass bottles - they're 92p in the LHBS, £1 in Asda last week full of various beers ;)

In position next to my thermostatically controlled Fermentation heater ;)

OG was 1040, so if it ferments out nicely, it will be a nice strong, flavoursome beer!
nice one, good pics aswell! that st andrews ale is quite nice eh, i used to only drink ur standard lagers and beers like tennents, stella, bud, carling etc... but ales are the way forward, bloomin lovely and so much more flavour than the chemical taste of lager!
Im just testing my Coopers Brewmaster Irish stout after being bottled for 7 days!
Im a Guinness drinker (and ale of course) so i know what a good stout should taste like. I like Guinness Original which is the carbonated version, aswell as draught. This Coopers Irish stout is very good and this is only after 7 days, so a further 14-21 days would see this stout just as good as guinness original.
At the moment this stout has a strongish taste of liquorish, has a brilliant creamy head and even laces the glass, just like any other stout.
Mine has come out at 3.9% abv which i am very happy with :thumb:
Well, after 2 weeks in the FV I kegged / bottled this tonight.

FG was 1010, so ABV is 4.02%, which seems OK.

I boiled up about a pint with 180g of Demerarra sugar, while syphoning the rest into my Rotokeg (aqcuired from my father-in-law, cleaned & resealed).

I added the wort/demerarra syrup to the keg, fitted the lid and inverted a couple of times, and then decided to syphon the beer out, as the top tap was giving me bubbly foam (after a wee skoosh of CO2).

So I syphoned into a jug, and filled 8 pint bottles, sothat I can put these away and keep for a few months, to try and convince me to leave all my beers to condition for a decent length of time!

Next brew is Black Rock Nut Brown Ale, as recommended by my LHBS!