Coopers Aussie pale ale

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New Member
Oct 31, 2013
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I have made up brew as instructions say,its my first ever attempt at home brew is everything supposed to sink to the bottom of fermentation vessel and if so how long does it usually take to start fermenting?
If you've thoroughly mixed all the ingredients as per the instructions there should not be any sign of initial settling of sediment. Did you just use the liquid malt extract or did you add any additional fermentables such as dry malt extract and/or brewing sugars such as dextrose or brew enhancer? If you did and you still mixed everything thoroughly, you will see a bit of settlement initially. AS for fermentation that all depends on the temperature of the wort, the ambient temperature and if you rehydrated the yeast or not. Sometimes fermentation will be pretty quick but other times such as my latest tweaked Coopers Oz Pale Ale kit but using Nottingham yeast, it took a good 24hrs after pitching the rehydrated yeast before the airlock started to bubble. Let us know how you get on and if you've got any more questions, fire away :cheers:
I just used liquid malt extract from the coopers tin and sugar,having just checked it again there seems to be a browny coloured froth forming on the top of liquid and i can see tiny bubbles starting to float upwards in liquid.
All sounds fine then :thumb:

If you didn't mix properly its no big deal apart from your initial gravity reading. The yeasties will find that sugar at the bottom of the FV
Thank for replies just really want it to be a success and avoid disappointment really any advice/tips will be taken on board as i have no experience whatsoever
Sounds healthy to me

+1 to Antony's sound advice, and if u need to open up keep your head from over the beer , hair is filthy and covered in wild yeasties, and if ur baldy like me even skull skin flakes are nasty..

Then ignore the kit instructions for when the beer is ready to drink, ready to drink perhaps, (ie is fizzy) but not mature to a full smooth flavour. if fermenting now its gonna be a sweet drink in the new year.. Sample early by all means but dont think its a bad beer if its not quite what u expected when drunk green/early. patience IS the secret ingredient.. :)

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