Hello Brian. Firstly; how over-carbonated did it get? You can vent off excess pressure in the headspace, but the dissolved CO2 takes very much longer and will just replace the CO2 in the headspace after a few hours, especially if the keg is pretty full. You can keep venting off the headspace pressure and you will catch up eventually. In pubs they'll use "soft spiles" to vent the pressure for maybe a day or so. I use aquarium "bubble counters" because it gives me a bit more control (after hours of venting I don't want to drop the pressure below 1-2PSI).
Secondly; I could go along with "Steve53" (previous post) and say "infection". But infected with the most obvious culprit ... the yeast! Yeast is a living organism and doesn't have to work by the Book, and a medium/low attenuator might well slowly adapt to become a high attenuator. I get this all the time with S-33 yeast which has stopped at a FG of 1.020, then after a few weeks or months slowly gets going again. I had one keg in long maturation pressure up to near 100PSI before I noticed.
(EDIT: We discussed my use of bubble counters in an earlier thread:
http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=72738. I actually fix my bubble counters in the gas supply lines because they are so useful.)