Cold Callers

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Mar 18, 2011
Reaction score
Solihull, West Mids
Don't they just annoy you so today Ive been at home and had 3...really enjoyed myself just making up random numbers and figures. I gave one my DOB 01/02/1916 "That makes you 105 years old, Sir.......Im sorry we cant provide you with life insurance".

I should have said "well, what about my parents then?"
Cant stand them either. thankfully, I do not own a land line!

On another note......... I actually used to work for BT as a cold caller (although it was for business) I suppose everyone needs to earn a living. Fascinating fact: my mentor was actually the chap that took the "angry BT customer" call that went viral on youtube a few years back. I still find it amusing to this day!
krazypara3165 said:
Cant stand them either. thankfully, I do not own a land line!

On another note......... I actually used to work for BT as a cold caller (although it was for business) I suppose everyone needs to earn a living. Fascinating fact: my mentor was actually the chap that took the "angry BT customer" call that went viral on youtube a few years back. I still find it amusing to this day!
Link please...I love listening to peoples rants
I love the stair lift ones. I kept one going for about 10 mins, sounding really interested, then told him I live in a bungalow :lol:
We get very few on our landline but some numpty gave somebody a wrong number - my mobile - years back and I got loads on that, drove me spare.
Now I've inherited t'missus's iPhone, with new SIM, that's all over, phew.
The ones we did get on our landline I realised were due to the surveys they hand out on the plane back from Spain - so we don't fill out those anymore.

Somebody I know just says "Is blue?" to them until they go away.
The ones I get at the moment are PPI and someone letting me know I was in a car crash that I know nothing about in a car I have never had
Brilliant....I too have let off a stream of obsenitives (sp) on the principle of "My House, My Phone, My Rules"
Now can anyone see my point about text "BT would like to speak to you regard a possibility of saving you money on your bills"...Takes 1 second to delete.

Though...."John, please phone home as XXX has just died" sounds a bit harsh, when sent by text
Mine are not the rantings of a lunatic......Its a major problem I have with modern day communication.
Some one phones you...its very presumptious (sp) of them to think that I want to speak to them, surely, If I wanted to speak to them, I would have phoned them.
I am a firm beliver in text"XXX tried to contact you"...well if they did and I wanted to speak to them, then Ill phone them back.
How many times have you been speaking to some one and their phone rings and they stop speaking to you to answer it...It is now I just walk off. All this says is that the person who you were talking to would rather speak to the person who just phoned the, than talk to you.
True story....recently, in a restaurant, the waitress was serving our meal when her internal/company phone rang. She stopped serving us and answered it. "WTF are you doing" I said..."Answering the phone" she replied..."So halfway through serving my dinner, you stop, and think its OK to answer that phone".
oldbloke said:
We get very few on our landline but some numpty gave somebody a wrong number - my mobile - years back and I got loads on that, drove me spare.
Now I've inherited t'missus's iPhone, with new SIM, that's all over, phew.
The ones we did get on our landline I realised were due to the surveys they hand out on the plane back from Spain - so we don't fill out those anymore.

Somebody I know just says "Is blue?" to them until they go away.
It maybe the fact that Ive had a few beers, but the statement "is blue?" with the question mark is a top answer.
"Is blue?"
my dad answers the phone and the cold caller says is that Mr Abraham?
is Mrs Abraham there?
Can I ask who you are?
No, I'm just robbing the place! :lol:
johnnyboy1965 said:
MTrue story....recently, in a restaurant, the waitress was serving our meal when her internal/company phone rang. She stopped serving us and answered it. "WTF are you doing" I said..."Answering the phone" she replied..."So halfway through serving my dinner, you stop, and think its OK to answer that phone".
On the other hand it could have been the chef saying whatever you do don't serve that and bring it back to the kitchen now.

Admittedly I would expect the chef to come to the table directly to do that if that happened.
I play the satellite delay game, were you answer there first question just as they ask it again.

My other favourite is to start introducing random words into the conversation or making strange noises or barking like a dog.

And finally if they really piss me off I tell them they are being put on hold would they like to wait then put the phone next to the stereo and blast out some very loud Fields of The Nephilim, that usually shuts them up.
I have been know to answer the phone, realise it's a cold caller and just leave it on the side, just checking if they have gone after 5 mins
:drink: :drink:
Aleman said:
johnnyboy1965 said:
MTrue story....recently, in a restaurant, the waitress was serving our meal when her internal/company phone rang. She stopped serving us and answered it. "WTF are you doing" I said..."Answering the phone" she replied..."So halfway through serving my dinner, you stop, and think its OK to answer that phone".
On the other hand it could have been the chef saying whatever you do don't serve that and bring it back to the kitchen now.

Admittedly I would expect the chef to come to the table directly to do that if that happened.

Aleman...We both know that this is not the case....this was meant to be a light hearted attack on the use of phones, when and where appropriate to use them.
:drink: :lol:
graysalchemy said:
I play the satellite delay game, were you answer there first question just as they ask it again.

My other favourite is to start introducing random words into the conversation or making strange noises or barking like a dog.

And finally if they really piss me off I tell them they are being put on hold would they like to wait then put the phone next to the stereo and blast out some very loud Fields of The Nephilim, that usually shuts them up.

How do you play the satellite game?
I always politely tell cold callers that I'm not interested and to remove me from their call list. Usually works.

I haven't been rude to one since working in a call centre doing mortgage questionnaires. One of my colleagues took an earbashing from someone who swore profusely at them because she was renting the place and what the f**k would she know about the mortgage and how dare you call up and impose yourself on me etc etc. He had a little notebook in which he kept details of the people who were rude to him, with a few notes of what they had said, for the purposes of making prank calls on the Saturday shift when the boss wasn't in. He managed to get the name of her landlord out of her under the pretence that it was important, and he needed to speak to him instead.

The following Saturday he called the woman back saying that he was calling from Carpetright, he would be there in a couple of hours to lay her new carpet. Just making sure you have all the furniture out of the room. She obviously knew nothing about this, and he said her landlord (quotiong his name) had arranged it. She fell for it hook line and sinker. we will never know if she actually cleared all the furniture out of her living room, but it goes to show. People in ****** jobs can have a wicked sense of humour, and if you piss them off when they are just doing their job, they have access to your phone number and can be considerably more annoying.
Ironically some of the information that phone companies actually hold can be quite extensive. Ive known operators that have been taken to court for divulging customers information.

On a lighter note, for the ones that actually talk to the callers have you ever noticed strange comments in a phone call? On a friday we had the word game..... a word was announced that you had to slip into a call E.G football. if you integrated the word into the call you got to choose the next word. I got caught out with lesbian in the past......... " hello sir, is that mr Les Bean? No? Apologies, wrong number" was how i got round that one ;)
johnnyboy1965 said:
How do you play the satellite game?

When you answer you don't say hello and just as an awkward length of time has passed and the caller says hello again you say hello, this confuses them. They will usually say hello again to which you answer hello, hello as if you can't hear anyone. Next they may ask if Mr Johnyboy or whoever is in, delay answering again and just as they are about to speak again usually going into their speech you answer their question. You just carry this on a s long as you like always answering there last question just as they go into the next part of their speech.

To be honest most of them don't get past Hello :lol: :lol:.

The other things which throws them is if you give answers which is not predicted on their script. This is were random words work or strange sounds as if you are barking mad :lol: :lol: .

Cold callers often assume that what they are trying to sell is exactly what you want. When Mobile phone sales people come on I tell them that I have no need for a phone, if they ask why say that it is against your religion or you have no friends, if they let out that awkward snigger turn it back on them and ask why they are laughing at you.

If I have the time I have great fun with cold callers. :lol: :lol: