cleaning beer bottles with an ultrasonic cleaner

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New Member
Apr 6, 2017
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I've noticed after many uses some of my glass beer bottles are looking a little grubby on the inside. I was wondering if anyone had considered using an ultrasonic cleaner - Vevor cleaner
or is the cost here just too much ? Any thoughts, experiences ?
I have found rinsing well straight after pouring, drying upside down, quick squirt if star San and then a tin foil cap with a squirt of star San works for me to keep them clean for me so far.
I don't hang on to grubby bottles as my mates provide clean bottles as well as empties. I swill bottles out, de-label and stick them in the dishwasher as soon as possible. Then pop them in crates (covered by a tea-towel) and bulk sanitise using a 'tree' ready for bottling. Reckon I've got 400 bottles 'in the system'.
10 minutes in VWP will bring them up nicely and sanitise at the same time, but need rinsing well after