cider which yeast ?

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Active Member
Aug 10, 2009
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bradford west yorks
going to give the turbo cider a go using lidl 1.5ltr juice from concentrate what yeast should i use ? i prefer a sweet cider :hmm:
No matter which yeast you use it will ferment to dryness ;)
So if you want a sweetish sparkling cider you will need to use an unfermentable sweetener such as lactose or low calorie sweetener such as splenda :thumb:
The best yeast is White labs WLP 775 but it's around £6 a go, the next best is probably Youngs cider yeast.
I used Saflager W34/70 on mine and it fermented out to 1.000, rather than the usual 0.996 of Cider and Wine yeasts . . . means that its not quite mouth puckeringly dry
I put on another 23L batch of turbo cider yesterday so within the next ten days or so I will have few samples of second generation WLP 775 cider yeast to send out if any one is interested :wha:

PM me an address to send it to if you are :thumb:
im doing a turbo at the moment and am using youngs chamagne yeast added a bit of nutrient and citric thoght it was going to take off on the first day by the end of the second day it had slowed right down and gone from 1052 to 1000 just waiting for it to clear so i can bottle now.