Chilli wine

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Jan 16, 2010
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Inspired by a post I saw on here a few days ago and jiggled with...

Chilli Wine

100g red chillies (medium hot with seeds)
230g chopped sultanas
25g fresh ginger
1 kg sugar
5 ltrs water
1 tsp pectolase
1 lemon (juice)
1/2 tsp tannin
1 Campden tab
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp white wine yeast

Chop chillies and add to a pan with the water, chopped sultanas, chopped ginger and lemon juice. Bring to the boil, add 500g sugar and simmer for 30 mins.

Sieve into a bucket and allow to cool. Add campden tab, pectolase, tannin, 500g sugar. Leave for 24 hours and add yeast and nutrient. Ferment one month, rack and again at two months, bottle at three.

No idea how this one will pan out, I'll keep you informed!
Awesome. I've been batting the idea of spicy wine and beer around inside my head for a bit. I'll be watching this to see how it goes. Good luck.
Oh this sounds well interesting, dying to know what it turns out like!

Just a quick update. Racked this on Thursday, burned my mouth :shock:

It tastes really good, with added FIRE. If it remains too hot for comfort - meaning a pleasant drink - I'll use it for cooking :D
I've done a strong ginger wine with a little added black pepper and chilli.
It's OK as a mixer with whisky in the winter but it's to much to just sit and drink.
i stuck on a very similar brew today, but without the ginger, very much looking forward to tasting it.
Still hasn't cleared, was hoping to let it drop naturally as I'm in no hurry. Racked it a few weeks back and it is hot!!!

Oddly enough, the parsnip which I did at the same time is completely clear and bright (and now bottled)
Tony said:
Still hasn't cleared, was hoping to let it drop naturally as I'm in no hurry. Racked it a few weeks back and it is hot!!!

Oddly enough, the parsnip which I did at the same time is completely clear and bright (and now bottled)

Just a thought, the Capsacin (spelling?) that gives the chillis their heat is oil based rather than whter based. It's like little needles under a microscope from what I remember.

Could be why it's not clearing?
Capsaicin as far as I'm aware is a protein and is oil soluble, rather than oil based. There must be loads of oil soluble protiens in the fruit that we ferment. What happent to all that oil? Does it float to the top of the wine? I don't think so.

You have raised a very interesting point. Any chemists or pharmacologists here that can shed some light onto this topic?
Oils are hydrocarbons, some may be turned into sugars, and then alcohol? Probably not, but it's a nice idea.

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