ChemClean shelf life

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Sep 10, 2021
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Just been cleaning out my keg tap and accidently made up twice the amount of ChemClean than I intended! I've got a litre or so in a jug, does any one know if it goes off? The packaging doesn't say either way. I could use it to flush the lines again next week if it'll keep.
I’m very blasé when it comes to cleaning with starsan etc, anything left over I put in a sprayer and use that.

I’ve left mine for weeks and seems fine, might not be best practice, hay ho so far it’s fine.
Chemclean as in the cleaning product rather than Chemsan the sanitising one?
Chemclean may have "oxi" type components and will "deplete" if it does. You could use any extra up by tipping down your sink or shower to keep the plug hole clear! said I put spare in a spray bottle.
The faq for chemclean indicates that it's efficacy will deteriorate after a few hours so probably shouldn't be stored.

I've always assumed products like this need to be made up fresh for every use. Also with Chemclean when I've left it in a vessel over a long period of time it's life a white slimy reside that is difficult to clean up so when I have used it in the past I've not left it in contact with the vessels for any length of time. Compared to PBW and the Grainfather cleaner and what I use now, sodium per carbonate, can be left long term in a vessel without any negative impact...though I don't know how long its actually effective for.