Cheeky Vimto

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Thanks for clearing that up for me, much appreciated, hopefully it tastes as good as it sounds.
muddydisco said:
I don't know, you will need to look at your gravity once all mixed and work out if you need it stronger, then put a ltr of your mixed juice in a sauce pan and boil in the sugar if you need it.
Really it's down to You. Use the ABV calculator to see what you will be expecting % wise. Don't forget this will go down as low as 1.000 or more

How do you stop it going down to low?
muddydisco said:
Dave I have put campden tablets in followed by Potassium Sorbate now it's in the fridge!
How many Campden tablets and how much Potassium Sorbate did you use?
To stop it, once it had reached the FG I wanted I placed the Fv in a cold enviroment Ie my spare fridge, added 4 campden tablets and 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of Potassium sorbate. This should be printed on your tub's. After 2 days I racked this into another Fv Leaving the yeast behind. Allowed any more yeast to fall out of suspension, then racked into my keg and force carbonated, as it wont carbonate on it's own.
Well I made 25 litres of Cheeky Vimto on Tuesday along with 54 litres of Chocolate Treacle Stout. OGs of 1.090 and 1.060 respectively. Vimto is still at 1.090 :( :? despite SW04 and two packs of ale yeast. I've just put in some wine yeast with some nutrient but I think this will be going down the pan :x
The stout is down to 1.014 and the yeast head is about 4/5" deep still :shock:
No way :shock: what's wrong with that ! It should be going like a train...
How's it being kept? temp and area? ie, 22c and on worktop in kitchen
Have you given it a good stir to rouse the yeast?
What have you put in the Vimto up until now all ingreidients and water treatment etc..?

We'll sovle this riddle :thumb:
Obvious question but did you boil the vimto first. My two batches have started within hours no massive yeast head but you can hear it fizzing and see fine bubbles all round the edge.
Made as per the recipe

Boiled 4 litres of Vimto for 20 minutes and added 750g sugar for last 10 minutes then added 15 x 1.5 litres of Lidls Apple juice, then some S04 - out into the garage in an insulated FV with my fish tank heater set as usual to 20C. Checked temperature daily and fairly constant at 21C. After two days and no action chucked in two packs of Richies real ale yeast. Today I put in a couple of teaspoons of yeast nutrient and a couple of wine yeast........ :cry: :cry:
Oh yes and gave it a good rousing with me spoon.
errrrrrrR? I don't know other than duff yeasts? But can't see all of them dead??
Try upping the temp to around 24-25c see if that kicks live into it?
Just been out to check and there is a faint sign of activity at last :grin: Probably that wine yeast attacking the nutrient :hmm:
Just boiling some Vimto, Smells fantastic!!
33% extra in Morrisons at the moment, think it was £2.25 for 2L :thumb:
I'm gonna ferment with S-04, any problems with this?

I'm doing.
12ltr Apple Juice
2ltr Vimto
1 pkt Safale S-04

Not putting any sugar in, I want to bottle it and not wanting it to dry..... How does it look MD?

muddydisco said:
All Good apart from the fact 28 pints will last 4 nights for 2 people :rofl:

Lol :thumb:

This is a trial run, then full production!! :party:


Smells great but the hob was a right mess, covered in red misty dried sticky Vimto!!
It's O.K though, cleaned it up before the missus saw it. ;) ;) ;) ;)
Well looks like I have slow lift off at last :roll: Its gone from 1.090 to 1.070 since last Tuesday.......Slow little b*gger ain't it? Still at least its got some fuzz on it at last :party:
Thank god :pray: I can't see a batch going down the drain it would ruin the 100% record !!!