carrot whiskey

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hi all i me new to this but i got to try this sounds like a head banger
i have some marrow rum on the go and sloe gin and plum brandy

neil hic :whistle:
Moley, what did this taste like in the end?
What FG did you have?

It sounds fantastic and I am going to give this a go when my fv is empty of the vimto I am fermenting.
Don't know, I'll tell you later, it must be about ready for bottling by now.
Hello all,

My first post so be kind.

I am just returning to home brew after er.... thirty years Nothing done yet but have bought some equipment.

I made the carrot whisky many times years ago and it was brilliant. I got the recipe from a book published by one of the daily papers - possibly the Daily Mirror - but I can't find it. As I remember it was very strong and had a lovely flavour; nothing like carrots.

Good luck, I will post if I can find the original recipe.

I have to confess, I don't know whether it was down to the malted barley or what, but this one developed quite an unpleasant characteristic and actually ended up down the sink.
That's a shame Moley!

I followed the same carrot whiskey recipe last year (using wheat and young's bog standard super yeast) and I fed the yeast sugar in increments until it could take no more. Abv 18 percent or thereabouts! When I racked it the second time I tried some and was horrified. It tasted awful, oversweet and really harsh. However, 9 months later it's a different wine. I've bottled it and given some away and it's rather popular. It has a lovely delicate almost rose fragrance. I couldn't believe it, I'd given up hope but now it's one of the best drinks I've ever made!

Ed :drunk:
espo said:
I'd given up hope but now it's one of the best drinks I've ever made!
Time usually sorts most things out :thumb:

In this case it didn't :cry:

Although I've made a couple of unremarkable wines which ended up blended, since I returned to winemaking in March '09 this was the only one that I've actually ditched so far, so I think that's an acceptable success rate.
J_P said:
[quote="J_P":2e4j2z5w]:shock: I've seen some wierd stuff fermented but this has got to be up there with the bloke who fermented tomato juice :lol:

I stand corrected - I've just seen a nettle and ginger brew![/quote:2e4j2z5w]

Nettle wine is great. Next year I'll do a gallon straight, like this year, and a gallon with ginger, just to see.
Moley said:
Anyone got any idea how much sugar is in 1.5kg of pale malt?

I suspect by now, you know the answer to this, but anyone following this thread, here's a link to sugar content of pale malt ... lation.htm

Moley said:
When I returned to winemaking and brewing this March, this was one of the first wines I started off. I seemed to recall that it is a good warming brew and very easy to make. I made 2 gallons, but this sounds like a CJJ Berry recipe and 4lbs sugar/gallon is way too high. With modern sugars this is going to give an OG around 1.150 and you'll be hard pushed to find a yeast which will ferment it. 3lbs is quite sufficient.

All of my sugar went in at the start, giving an OG of 1.112

This has gone down to 0.994 (so 15.7% abv), I've racked, stabilised and added finings, it's now clear and golden and I will be bottling in the next week.

Unfortunately carrot fly have demolished all my hard work on the allotment this year, but heck, they're fairly cheap in the local s/mkt, so I'll give it a bash.

I'd like to do 2 batches, one at a low alcohol level, for early consumption and another one at high strength, for putting down to mature. So the question is:-
What are posters' target strengths for weak and strong country wines? Thanks in anticipation.
New to this Forum (having done carrot whiskey in my Teens it was AWSOME! and leathal at the same time, i have long lost teh paperback book i used for the recipe and decided to give it a go again (but double the recipie) as its sooooo goood..

so Question's before i start this weekend..

1, I have 1 bag Wheat + 1 Bag Malted (presume wheat) it didnt say on the front it just said dark malt and teh guy in teh homebrew shop was clueless (think it was hired help) will this be a problem.
2, Do i put the wheat in the Pan to boil with the carrotts
3, do i chop the carrotts (reading a few recipes a lot say just scrub and dont cut) how important is this
4, i have double the recipie ingrediants (4 bags sugar) will this be too much (1kg bags is 2lb isnt it)
5, i have champagne yeast(higher alcohol as far as i understand it) and i also have a high alcohol yeast neutrient tub (whats the diff) well it says something similar (havent got it in front of me)

replys would really help me with this - im worried that not enough yeast or additions as everyone seems to say put various little compounds in it at different stages - ill do a step by step with photy's as im doing it to really get to the bottom of this awsome recipie once and for all.
My dad made this when he was younger and according to legend :hmm: my granddad was offered a glass of blended whisky and my dad gave him the carrot whisky and he never realised! I have some doubts myself as a big (ish) whisky drinker. What sort of ABV can your expect?
I know that last attempt of mine went down the u-bend but I have made this successfully on numerous occasions before. It has usually been in the 15-18% abv range, so the name is misleading.

Chop the carrots into half inch / 1cm chunks but add the wheat to the bucket after it has cooled to tepid.
Sorry if this been asked but what kinda wheat do you use ?

And were on earth can i get it in the UK i found one shop that sell wheat and they have mucked me about befor so dont really wanna order form them again.

Cheers Ian

Planning on starting this once i got the wheat.
Any home brew shop should have it. I got wheat malt and also used half dark malt. ( being a whisky recipe o thought I would try for a malt flavor) mines in the bucket bubbling away now hope to rack off in another week or so.
Thats the Prob were i live there is no home brew shop :)

I have to order on line and looking for a reliable shop to buy it from with sensible P&P charges
Try a health food shop that is where I bought my wheat and barley from.
There is a shop I have started using on eBay that could put what you want on line if that helps.