Thanks very much Dave. My plans with it didn't go that well:
View attachment 107736
I'm applying a universal "exclusion rate" (98%, quite high as Spotless only claim 96% ... don't know where I saw that now), and setting it so Calcium and Alkalinity (the ones I'm inerested in) drop to where they match the your earlier posted report (for Spotless water),
rounded values that is. But the Chloride and Sulphate are a quarter of what they are reported as (and I've spread the "nitrate", as equivalents, across the sulphate and chloride in a lame attempt to make them add up).
I knew RO Membranes are a bit "selective" about "how much of what" they exclude, but thought I'd get away with it, loosing it amongst the "low resilution".
But, the numbers are miniscle. If I just concentrate on Calcium and Alkalinity, a 96% exclusion, and blank off the other stuff, I reckon I'll still have useable figures.
All from the one analysis pair. Eee, what you can get away with if you stick yer neck out! For 4ppm (as CaCO
3) of Alkalinity? I only have 8ppm out my
tap and the trouble that's been causing me is completely out of proprtion! (It's had me revising pH measurements and ionic buffers... Yikes! Well bad for your "mental health", especially if you are considered "mentally impaired" to start with ... err, like me!
