Candy Sugar Problem

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Active Member
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
Harrow, North West London
Hey all!

I'm currently planning my next brew, a nice strong Blonde Belgian ale, inspired in good amount by Franklin's and bolty's brews!

However, doing my order from brewuk the other day, numpty here forgot to order any citric acid crystals. Knowing that I need invert sugar, and because I have no local homebrew shop and am finding it hard to get any citric acid in the next few days, I was wondering if it would be possible to cheat and to utilise...


Yes, the classic Tate & Lyle Golden Syrup, which I am reliably informed, "... is a pale treacle.[1] It is a thick, amber-colored form of inverted sugar syrup, made in the process of refining sugar cane juice into sugar, or by treatment of a sugar solution with acid."

Well, okay, wikipedia may not be 100% reliable, but it IS invert sugar syrup. So, do you think it would be possible to either crystalise the stuff for candy sugar or to errr... cheat and throw it straight in?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Couldn't really comment on the suitability of the syrup for your purposes, but as for the citric acid, at least in these parts it's easily available in pharmacies. Maybe you'd like to check that out if there's one near where you live. Good luck!
I read on another forum of someone using lemon juice for exactly this purpose, It's what I intend to do for candi sugar in my forthcoming first AG (leffe brun clone +blackberries in the secondary)
I certainly don't think it's "cheating" to use syrup, you'll likely be closer to what the Belgians themselves are using!
Here is a good read that dispells a lot of myths:
In other words you don't need to worry about the citric acid :thumb:
Absolutely bloody fantastic answers guys! :thumb:

I think I'll either have a wonder down the pharmacy and make my own liquid candy sugar ;) Or I'll go for a tin of tate and lyle, or use lemon juice!

Either way, thank you so much for getting me out of an awkward hole!

I'll be sure to keep you posted on how it turns out :)
I made a Leffe Blonde Clone...but..I am afraid to report it tastes nothing like the real thing :roll: It does have the sweetness and colour...but just lacks that...distinctive taste....I also used authentic Candi Sugar and Belgium Yeast from Hop & grape..whilst expensive seemed the easy option ;) I did use British Lager malt....wonder if thats the problem :hmm: Anyway...I have not given up ...and just ordered the "Brew Like a Monk Book" :thumb:
Cheers all, plumped with a tin of "Golden Syrup" in the end, I have a bottle Chimay and Duvel as well. Never tried the Chimay, when I see what that's like, I'll decide which yeast I'll use ;)

Thanks all with the help, and I'll let you all know how it goes when I get brewing (hopefully this weekend!)

Now, to acquire a good 40+bottles in a week...
Here's a list of yeast strains which gives you an idea of what some breweries use (these might not be identical but they are meant to give a pretty close match):
I think it's a better bet to spend a fiver on a pack of Wyeast than try and culture from a bottle if you are brewing something 7%+, but I admit I've never tried culturing!
If you want something along the lines of Duvel or Chimay white you are going to have to get your FG down to about 1.01, so the yeast has got some work to do.
Look forward to hearing how you get on anyway, good luck with the brew day :thumb:
I'm bottling a strong golden ale tomorrow...

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