Candi sugar

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Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
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I've got my eye on half the Brewferm range, as they sound amazing, and the review pages refer to candi sugar and golden syrup. This has got me thinking, and the posts there don't answer my questions, so I was hoping someone could, as everyone is so helpful.

The implication seems to be that candi sugar ferments out really well, good for higher abv, but most people seem to recommend malt extract over sugar, so what's the benefit? Does it just apply to stuff like high abv stuff like Brewferm, or is there a real place for it in normal brews? For reference, I love to make the Coopers stout and generally darker ales.

The second question I have is about the effort of candi sugar compared to the relative lazy ease of golden syrup. I'm happy to make candi sugar if its worth it, but not if there's no benefit.

As always, answers gratefully recieved.
Yeah, I'm OK with making it, it's just about whether it makes better beer. That's my only concern really.
candi sugar is invert sugar, and you have to ask why breweries down through the ages went to the expense of using this rather than ordinary sugar if it didn't make any difference.

invert sugar is best made from raw unrefined sugar, follow Lucky Eddie's guide also here's another how to
Strong beers made entirely from malt have high finishing gravities as the malt is not fully fermentable. They will be quite sweet. Sugar will ferment right out leaving the beer drier. It is essential in many Belgian and English styles.

So, using sugar stops the beer being too sweet!

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