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Retired Brewer
Jan 7, 2019
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Never mind how old, hirsute, and pot-bellied we all are, hands up those who are paid-up members of the Campaign for Real Ale, and believe that good British draught beer should only have free carbon dioxide that has been produced naturally during fermentation dissolved in it, and not stuffed full of gas that has been produced in, and bought from, a chemical works?

That’s me then - anybody else?
They are out of date. I love a good cask ale, but I also love an American style beer that is kegged and force carbonated.

The problem seems to be a lot of mass produced beer, rather than serving method. There are bland cask ales around as much as there are bland lagers.

CAMRA need to revisit their MO.
I agree, CAMRA needs to accept cask breathers so Landords aren't forced to choose between throwing beer away and upsetting customers.
Never mind how old, hirsute, and pot-bellied we all are, hands up those who are paid-up members of the Campaign for Real Ale, and believe that good British draught beer should only have free carbon dioxide that has been produced naturally during fermentation dissolved in it, and not stuffed full of gas that has been produced in, and bought from, a chemical works?

That’s me then - anybody else?
I've been a member since I turned 18. I will be quitting when my current membership expires, for the reasons I outlined on a similar thread a few weeks ago.
I agree, CAMRA needs to accept cask breathers so Landords aren't forced to choose between throwing beer away and upsetting customers.
Hasn't that happened recently? I thought I'd heard that.

Camra - I think they do some great stuff, but they need to stop also being knobheads.
Hasn't that happened recently? I thought I'd heard that.

Camra - I think they do some great stuff, but they need to stop also being knobheads.
Indeed. I almost joined many years ago but overheard a conversation at the GBBF along the lines of - "I wont drink anchor steam, they don't bottle condition"
Should only have free carbon dioxide that has been produced naturally during fermentation dissolved in it, and not stuffed full of gas that has been produced in, and bought from, a chemical works?

That’s me then - anybody else? Carling is OK then?

"As a result of the investment we have made in CO2 recovery systems, Molson Coors is fortunately able to generate most of our own CO2 for production and packaging of our major brands."
I won't re-join CAMRA until they abandon this minimum pricing nonsense.

I don't care what beers they have at their festivals, the more the merrier, but their objective should be what it always has been - the promotion and protection of cask / naturally conditioned ale. I get a bit pssd off with crafties chucking their toys out of the pram because the Ferrari club of great Britain doesn't promote their favourite Massuratti.
I've been a CAMRA member for as long as I can remember. Came to make an overseas renewal and came across their blurb about how many pubs are closing down every week and how this is destroying communities. But surely supporting Wetherspoons by continuing to distribute their 50p-off-a-pint is doing as much to destroy proper pubs as beer duty and restrictive practices is doing. Downright hypocrisy, it seems to me, and in any case, before Tim Martin's ugly mug became so prominent I wasn't really aware of him. Now that I am I can't really support CAMRA's support of him.
Never been a member and probably never will, but have a friend who's been a regional chairman and stood for the national executive. They would strongly agree with every one of the points being made here. Sadly, there are many similar knowledgeable, progressive and passionate people within CAMRA, who are the same. Unfortunately, the organisation is resistant to reform.
I've never really seen the logic in the argument that Spoons damage the pub trade - their offer is different to the traditional pub. Room in the market for both, if you ask me. And they do a good job of promoting cask. Can't really comment on Timbo - seems like a fairly nice chap to me, but I've never met him in person.
I've never really seen the logic in the argument that Spoons damage the pub trade - their offer is different to the traditional pub

I don't agree with that. It's a bit like saying vaping isn't reducing cigarette sales.

Consumers, as a whole, are inherently lazy and tight-fisted. Spoons is a largely homogeneous affair so people know what they're getting and it's cheap to boot. Plenty of space inside, real ale for the men / fruit-based drinks for the ladies / fizzy pop for the kids. 'Buca shots ready for when the night gets really wild. Cheap food if anyone is driving home after. Covers a lot of bases for a group of you, and very quick to get shouted down if you suggest a local pub that does decent beer: "Spoons does Peroni on tap". Sigh.

I agree that a proper pub is the correct choice but Spoons clearly has an impact on local businesses. The free houses near me are frequently changing hands and having to try something new, yet Spoons remains the same in its prime location.
I agree, CAMRA needs to accept cask breathers so Landords aren't forced to choose between throwing beer away and upsetting customers.
But they do accept cask breathers! Just won't get users in their book. The book is full enough these days and doesn't need any "peripheral" entries. If they do start shifting "the line" where do they stop? There is already pubs selling keg beers on "hand pump", some of the beers are quite pleasant too (if a bit fizzy), but why the deception?

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