just another pic of the temp probes:
on left is the wort outlet and right the water in.
Now I´d like to show you how the software is working. You should know, the software gives you most advantages if you do step mashing. For single infusion it would be working as a PID only.
First you have to determine how many steps you´d need. That for you have to open a parameter window, for example:
here you may create a recipe, name the beer, set the necessary parameters and save it.
That way you can have a database for recipes.
The main window shows you how to operate the brewery:
very left you can see the loaded parameter and some utilities.
then you have a block with 7 buttons. The green ones are controlled by the software, you cannot operate manually as long as the brewing process is active.
The orange ones are buttons you can (have to) operate manually.
Each button switches on and off a relais on the relais card that is connected to the parallel port.
you may start the brewing process with any step you´d like. That means it is not necessarily the first step to begin with, you may also start straight by step 4 or 5 or whatever. Any time settings that you have set in the parameter section (recipe) you may shorten or extend without interrupting the brewing process.
here you can get the software, just play around with it and try it out.
unzip the soft into a directory of its own, not in a subdirectory, for example: C:\Brewingsoft, not like that C:\XXXX\Brewingsoft
will be continued soon
have fun :