Bubbles in Little Bottler - Problem?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2013
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Had a bit of a frustrating bottling session just now. For the first dozen or so bottles my little bottler would randomly fill with air bubbles, so I'm worried that some of my bottles may be ruined due to oxygenation. I think it may have been the tap. I should have took it apart and cleaned it. It was also closed during syphoning which forced some air bubbles out so I opened it up to allow liquid in and that stopped it. Anyone know how to avoid this?

Then when I got to the bottom of the bucket some of my dextrose solution was stuck to the bottom :eek:
I doubt if a few bubbles will ruin your beer. I find my Little Bottler gets bubbly towards the end, when there is no longer much beer left, but it isn't normally like that at the beginning. I definitely suggest you give the tap a good clean. I probably ought to check mine too, now you mention it. :whistle:
Really? Glad to hear it. I had written those bottles off. Put a little black mark of doom on them with a marker pen :D

Fingers crossed they turn out okay.
I always get this, and I'm fairly certain it's actually just dissolved CO2 coming out of solution. That being the case, absolutely nothing to worry about. You'll have a bit of yeast in the bottle, which should scrub out some O2 too. I'd say there's very little to worry about here. Store the bottles cold and enjiy :thumb: :cheers: