Brewmaker Essentials Bitter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Lightwater, Surrey
I got one of these kits as a freebee from a certain online brewing company that I won't mention.
Anyway, I normally wouldn't use one of these cheap kits but as it's free I might give it a go.
I suspect using it with sugar its gonna turn out like $!$$ so has anybody got any suggestions what to add to the kit to get a drinkable pint.
If you're worried that it's lacking in taste try using a spraymalt or brewing it short. If you wanted to experiment and don't like the sound of the kit at all, you could simmer the extract (pot inside another larger pot of boiling water) for 20 minutes to destroy their hop blend leaving you a bland malt extract and you could add your own choice of hops in a bag into the fermentor so you've customised the taste.
It's free so have a play I say!
I can't speak for the Brewmaker Bitter, but I made a batch of Brewmaker 80/- Scottish Heavy and added 500g light spraymalt to the recommended 1kg sugar and it turned out to be a cracking pint. Clear as a bell after 1 month maturation.

I also kept 3 bottles aside and only drank them last week - 14 months after starting the brew! A really good pint!

If the Essentials Bitter is anything like the 80/-, you won't have to do much to it, but I would definitely consider adding spraymalt.