I have had to give up late June to end of September as it's just too hot for fermentation even with Saflager W34/70 which will tolerate a fermentation temperature in the mid 20s. This year, however, I'm looking forward to trying out my sachets of Lallemand Voss kveik, which is good up to the low 40s C. I've also got some Opshaug kveik which I saved from an ill-considered brew of Simmonds Bitter made last November. The fermentation went on for weeks, I thought it would never end, but the beer's nice enough. I think I should have waited for warmer weather so now's nearly the time to try Opshaug again, too. I don't really do temperature control, nowadays. My fridge had been taken over with hops and yeast cultures so i tend to brew according to the weather.
Just a word of warning. When we arrived in France, in July 2016, I couldn't wait to get a brew on. Using Safale S-04 was a bit of a disaster since, at too warm temperatures, the yeast doesn't die, on the contrary it goes crazy and creates a "boiling" fermentation which, when it's all over, leaves the beer pretty much undrinkable.