OK so I know its my first post here, (Hi all).. though after searching around this seems like my best place to ask?
I've tried one of the brewferm kits for the first time as a complete newbie to beer brewing. I have made meads, red and white wines before, and thought I would give this a try so see how it goes and made up 9l of the ABDIJ on Saturday (19/09) in a 30l bucket (It was all I had clean and free)
Now while my initial SG was 1070, I didn't seem to get much activity out of the airlock. I did check to be sure that everything was sealed fairly well in the bucket, and pressing on it lightly did cause bubbles.. but I never saw anything else and think I only saw one bubble... until like the meads I have going that are bubbling away constantly at 12 BPM in the same conditions . I have had it at a constant temp of ~22ðC but decided to just leave it alone. Now I took reading this morning and found I was sitting at 1020. I checked again this evening and then double checked again after finding it at 1010...
So I have racked it off to a secondary carboy right away... but I cant understand why/how and if I have don't something monumentally wrong. This of course lead me to searching on line and the best responses / posts I found ended up being here...
SO.... Hi again.. and hope somebody can help.. and I guess I might be around some more
PS: Sorry for the hijack