Brewday Sunday 19th July! FIRST AG!!!!

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Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Lancashire
I haven't gone to the Peak District Freelancing (thank god coz its raining and the last thing I want to be doing is following a D of E group in the rain!) So i'm going to complete my move to the Darkside and do my First ever AG!!! :pray:

Starting off with a small brew length to get the hang of things! Heres my plan!
Witch Way Now? (Moorhouses, Pendle Witches Brew Clone)

Brewlength : 19L
Target OG: 1.048
Target EBC: 23
Targer EBU: 30
90 min mash @ 66c
90 min boil

3130 g Pale Malt
310 g Crystal Malt
270 g White Sugar
200 g Torrified Wheat

62 g Fuggle 3.9% AA - boiled 90 min
3.0 g Irish Moss - boiled 10.0 min last
12 g Fuggle 3.9% AA- steeped after boil

fermented with s04

Best of luck dandan, you've spent long enough on the homework and preparation so I'm sure it will be fine. Thing is, once you've done it, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.
You won't regret it, and have fun... There are no mistakes, just learning experiences! :thumb:
Good luck! Hope all goes well.

You'll love it, really brewing your own beer, to your own tastes.

Make sure you keep notes of everything you do, such as volumes, temperatures, times, gravities etc for each step.
This will help you no end to fine tune your process for the next one.
be great to see how you get on - it will help me to plan my first AG ! did it cost you much to set up your equipment? I would be really interested to hear any tips you have for getting started on the AG road!! cheers :thumb:
rickthebrew said:
be great to see how you get on - it will help me to plan my first AG ! did it cost you much to set up your equipment? I would be really interested to hear any tips you have for getting started on the AG road!! cheers :thumb:

Boiler £39 off ebay! 29L same model as Brupaks 29l boiler (from origanally)



Mash Tun
Asda 24L CoolBox £ 7
Tank Coupler= £ 1.54
Ball Valve tap = £2.99
15mm elbows - £2.67 for 25
15mm Tees- - £4.49 for 25
Pipe £5ish plus plenty left over to make sparge arm!

Thats how much its cost me:thumb:

Did try and make my own boiler but it went tits up!! :nono:
eskimobob said:
Oh and I can confirm it is teaming down where I live in the peak district :roll:

Phew!! Good job im not exped'ing then!! :) Its dry here!

and the brew is under way! (got up late :? so its a 10:30 start not the 8:30 start i had planned! other wise its going well)

Mashing at this moment!

Pics coming up later!
:thumb: :cheers: :D A big thank you for to everyone who has helped me by giving advice to get to todays enjoyable experiance of making my first all grain beer!

All went well apart from the scales running out of power, so the old scales came out!

Missed my target og by 4 points but it is my first AG so doesn't matter to me!


The Grains waiting to enter the Mash Tun.


After the Mash Tun had drained


The Hops upped hops due to difference in AA levels with the book so it was 62g for 90min and 12g for post boil.


Boiling Away




Just as the last drops of wort leave the boiler, leaving the hops that are doomed to the compost bin!

As moley said "you'll wonder what all the fuss was about"

its was easier than I thought!!! :drink: