Brewday 20/11/08 : Boxshed Premium APA (photos now added)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
East Anglia
I'm brewing you're not, I'm brewing you're not! Ner ner ner...

I'm in a tip top mood because although money is too tight to mention, brewing is free if you have the ingredients and some time off. Rah!

So I'm brewing up a premium strength APA using Cascade. It's basically a stronger, more bitter, hoppier version of a Townes IPA, but I've allowed plenty of headroom for inefficiencies resulting from a batch sparge. Big grain bill for me, and some stonking fresh 7.3%AA Cascade thanks to my friend Tom, who brews on an altogether higher plane than me with his own micro.

I'm busy for a bit trying to ensure I don't mess anything up and have enough clean equipment to hand, but the thermobox is full and the recipe goes something like this:

Boxshed Premium APA
Date: 20/11/2008
Style: American Pale Ale
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Volume: 32.00 L
Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.0 %

6.5Kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (5.9 EBC) 96.3%
250g Wheat Malt (3.9 EBC) 3.7%
Protofloc Tablet (15 min)
1 Pkgs S-05

Hop profile
Cascade, 7.3%AA, 45g at 90 min
Cascade, 7.3%AA, 25g at 15 min
Cascade, 60g at flame out

Batch Sparge
Mash Grain Weight: 6.75kg Mash PH: 5.4 PH
Grain Temperature: 13.0 C
Mash In Add 17.5L of water at 71.3C (65C) 90 min
Step Add 14.15L of water at 77.1 (70C) 10 min
Step Add 11L of water at 87.1C (75C) 10 min

Beer Profile
Estimated Original Gravity: 1.057 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.017
Estimated Color: 11.4 EBC
Bitterness: 47.8 IBU
Alpha Acid Units: 3.0 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.3%
Have a good one. Not a fan of APAs myself but I'm sure you'll like it! :cool:
Hope it's gone well Five :cool: I'm going to try to knock up a cheeky Townes IPA next week over two evenings :thumb:
Sounds good!

I'm brewing one tomorrow but with less Cascade ;)

Havea good yin!
I've now added a couple of blurry videos and 20 pictures to my website detailing the APA brewday - I hope they are of use to somebody out there - feel free to leave me some comments if you can be bothered :)

All the very best to any of you with brewdays planned today or over the weekend - hopefully I'll be out playing - snowday weeeeeeeeee!

Cheers all.


Well that bright green has now turned into gold. My APA is now happy in secondary and is down to the target 1.018 from 1.058. I make that around 5.25% ABV, and will round up to 5.3% to account for priming. Smells fantastic, can't wait until New Year for this one.