Brew n00b!

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New Member
Apr 7, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

Me and my fiancée have just started out in home brewing. I've got a Coopers lager kit on the go and my better half has a Zifandel Blush kit bubbling away nicely.

Aside from me thinking I'd killed the yeast by using water that's too hot :? , it's not gone too bad!

One thing I'm not too sure about. We bought some sodium metabisulphate for sterilising, but I'm not sure how much to use/litre for the bucket I've got, and should I be using it to clean my PET bottles before bottling? If so, how (do I soak or can I mix some up in a spray bottle then rinse out?)

Any help is always appreciated!

sodium metabi I make up at 2 heaped tsp to a gallon. you can hang on to the solution after if you want too, i keep a bucket with 2 gallons in and all my plastic kit (stuff that won't rust/discolour.) on brew day, it's all ready to go!

PET bottles are fine to use sodium metabi with. I'd suggest making up a gallon and dunking the bottles in, fill them up about a half inch and give them a shake, it'll take about 20 mins to effectively sanitize.
Thanks for the welcome and the info everyone. The cupboard we have the brew in is smelling beautiful at the moment, it's just a case of having to resist messing with/sampling it!

One thing that I have wondered, if I draw a sample for SG check, can I return the sample to the bucket or do I have to discard?
grim said:
Thanks for the welcome and the info everyone. The cupboard we have the brew in is smelling beautiful at the moment, it's just a case of having to resist messing with/sampling it!

One thing that I have wondered, if I draw a sample for SG check, can I return the sample to the bucket or do I have to discard?
Best play safe and bin the sample rather than risk the batch
cnelsonplumber said:
grim said:
Thanks for the welcome and the info everyone. The cupboard we have the brew in is smelling beautiful at the moment, it's just a case of having to resist messing with/sampling it!

One thing that I have wondered, if I draw a sample for SG check, can I return the sample to the bucket or do I have to discard?
Best play safe and bin the sample rather than risk the batch

Thanks, figured as much :thumb:
If you get really into brewing you might want to think about a refractometer as you only need 3 drops to get an SG reading. Less waste :-D
cnelsonplumber said:
If you get really into brewing you might want to think about a refractometer as you only need 3 drops to get an SG reading. Less waste :-D

Last time I used one of those was testing antifreeze! I'll bear it in mind though.