Hey guys. Just wanted to apologise for the shambolic feedback situation. No excuses, even with the strikes etc I should have got everyone their feedback and scores quicker.
I do just want to say that every beer was speed judged by four BJCP Certified judges at the event and then re-judged at a later date by myself alongside their feedback. Not conventional BJCP by any means but we had 80+ beers left to judge and I improvised.
As I’ve posted I won’t be holding the World Series alongside BrewCon going forward. We may get a separate club or group to organise a smaller comp if that’s a possibility.
All feedback was genuine. There were a lot of high scoring beers. Many scored 37, some scored a bit higher some lower but every single scoresheet with my name to it meant I had that beer in front of me.
I am a Certified BJCP judge with 40+ points, and as a few of you have pointed out I run a Bottleshop. I am fully qualified to judge Beer so the scores you got are the scores the beer deserved.
I won’t touch on the comments I’m in it for the $$$ as that’s silly. BrewCon just about breaks even, without counting the time I put into it. I continuously encourage every club in the UK to launch their own homebrew events.
I hope each and every one of you comes to BrewCon this year to experience the event itself which I believe is a great addition to the homebrew community. It’s fun & it’s cheap. I’ll even shout you a beer if you come and say hello.
Anyway sorry for the essay.