Breaking news Macron meltdown toys on floor

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O dear Macron has had a melt down after ordinary people 32% of population who he branded right wing voted against his party,
Ah. You show a certain ignorance, both of politics and of statesmanship in general. Not surprising as they've been extinct in dear old Blighty for quite some time. The Evening Standard doesn't really get it either. I think anyone could be forgiven for not understanding the French approach to voting, though.
“France needs a clear majority in serenity and harmony. To be French, at heart, is about choosing to write history, not being driven by it,” Macron said.
Good heavens! Sacré bleu, Mille sabords! Not hanging on 'til the last minute? Will of the people paramount? Country before party? Who's ever heard of such nonsense????
To be French, at heart, is about choosing to write history, not being driven by it,” Macron said.
Macron is like all the other lefty globalists and will say anything and do anything to keep hold of power, this not just happening in France it is Europe wide the ordinary hard working right wing thugs :laugh8::laugh8::laugh8: have had enough of this bs
I am sorry, but I just had a very long conversation with my wife, who is a French citizen but parents were born in Algeria and Morocco.
This result of Marine LePens party has upset her and has given the message that she is "not really French."
She has disclosed to me the petty racsim she had suffered from a child to a grown woman in her 40s from French people just because of her name (arabic) or because of whee her parents are born.
For my wife and and for lots of French citizens this result is just awful.
I am sorry, but I just had a very long conversation with my wife, who is a French citizen but parents were born in Algeria and Morocco.
This result of Marine LePens party has upset her and has given the message that she is "not really French."
She has disclosed to me the petty racsim she had suffered from a child to a grown woman in her 40s from French people just because of her name (arabic) or because of whee her parents are born.
For my wife and and for lots of French citizens this result is just awful.
That is really sad to hear she feels that way
I am sorry, but I just had a very long conversation with my wife, who is a French citizen but parents were born in Algeria and Morocco.
This result of Marine LePens party has upset her and has given the message that she is "not really French."
She has disclosed to me the petty racsim she had suffered from a child to a grown woman in her 40s from French people just because of her name (arabic) or because of whee her parents are born.
For my wife and and for lots of French citizens this result is just awful.

It's ok though, because those hard of thinking are rubbing their hands together at the idea of the far right gaining traction in elections.

And these people have the cheek to call themselves patriots and wave their flags. It seems that efforts to never forget what happened in Europe in the not-so-distant past have failed. We'll fight them on the beaches indeed.

At least Macron appears to have the b*llocks to stand up to it. If only we had such leadership in our country.
Macron is like all the other lefty globalists and will say anything and do anything to keep hold of power, this not just happening in France it is Europe wide the ordinary hard working right wing thugs :laugh8::laugh8::laugh8: have had enough of this bs

They'll lose. Like last time.
This result of Marine LePens party has upset her and has given the message that she is "not really French.
Of coarse your wife is French and if i met her i would treat her just the same as everybody i meet, this movement is not about ordinary people who just want to work and have a better life it's about the elite who want to cause division and change, in the street were i live in a small town there are people from the four corners of the world who all get on, example of me a few years ago my nieghbours daughter married a Turkish guy who she met on holiday i got him a job were i used to work, i have Irianian Polish romainian and lithuainan people as friends, it is not your wife or any other foriegn national who is causing this problem it is the globalists
You and people like you are part of the problem, we the ordinary people are sick of your in your face politics, you seem to jump on any post on here that doesn't agree with your views which are very hard left wing

Of course, I'm "the liberal elite". I grew up in some utterly ***** situations and now work as a nurse. Not exactly an ordinary working class person like your hero Nigel Farage though, right enough. You know absolutely **** all about me, and I honestly don't know why I waste my breath on someone so small-minded, confused and utterly clueless.

My politics are that of moderation and compromise. I take no issue with people have differing political views, but I will always challenge abhorrent and hateful ideologies

No doubt I will be banned/restricted from posting, and frankly I don't care. I don't think I particularly want to frequent a place that permits and indeed encourages the sort of **** that you post.
You know absolutely **** all about me
Just like you know s--- all about me, but you chose to berate me at every opportunity i commend you on being a nurse a job i could not do not because i have no compassion, i have no desire to see you banned but i am not allowed in your eyes my opinion without being shouted down
O dear Macron has had a melt down after ordinary people 32% of population who he branded right wing voted against his party,
No surprises there, coming out of the pandemic, and war in Ukraine causing a cost of living crisis, and immigration/ border control, people want change. When things are hunky dory people go with the flow.
What has he to do with it
Nothing but you can rest assured he will have a lot to say about it.
No doubt I will be banned/restricted from posting, and frankly I don't care. I don't think I particularly want to frequent a place that permits and indeed encourages the sort of **** that you post.

Not sure why you have brought how we moderate the forum into your argument so i will add this.

we permit posts that do not break the rules it's got a little heated but you have both given as good as you have got, no reason to ban or block either of you so far but as you obviously do not get on maybe it's time to block each other.
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Macron is like all the other lefty globalists and will say anything and do anything to keep hold of power, this not just happening in France it is Europe wide the ordinary hard working right wing thugs :laugh8::laugh8::laugh8: have had enough of this bs
How is Macron a lefty globalist ? (What is a lefty globalist, by your definition?) Macron is a centrist. During his tenure he has drifted slightly from centre-left to centre-right. His presidency is for a fixed term, there's no question of hanging on to power, he will be there until the next presidential elections in 2027. The parliament is his parliament inasmuch as it is the assembly of delegates that the people give the president to work with. It's not like in the UK, the president appoints his PM, but if the majority are not behind the PM then it's difficult to get anything through parliament. If the president and parliament are at loggerheads, the president can pass legislation by decree much like the executive orders Trump was so fond of passing. In France, this measure is very unpopular.
Lefty wokism (social justice and welfare) is not a choice of either the president or parliament, it is enshrined in the Constitution and Institutions and derives from the principle tenets of the Revolution. If these principles were threatened by a Right Wing party, even an elected majority, the French people would certainly rise up and overthrow them. The French jealously protect what they consider to be "acquired rights" which is why nothing ever seems to change here. Any party of whatever colour can be "in power" , but every change has to pass a constitutional counsel before it can pass into law.
In brief, the most likely outcome of a root and branch revision of the French war of life is civil war. You might get a sense of this if you study the gilets jaunes movement rather than just applaud from a distance.
My take is that the rise of the far right in Europe as a whole is far more dangerous than it is individually to France. Not all constitutions are made equal.
As for you and those who think like you, you should be very, very careful what you wish for.
I am sorry, but I just had a very long conversation with my wife, who is a French citizen but parents were born in Algeria and Morocco.
This result of Marine LePens party has upset her and has given the message that she is "not really French."
She has disclosed to me the petty racsim she had suffered from a child to a grown woman in her 40s from French people just because of her name (arabic) or because of whee her parents are born.
For my wife and and for lots of French citizens this result is just awful.
French racism is surprising.
On moving here, I was happily surprised to see so many mixed-colour families out and about, which I rarely saw in England. Conversely, the French seem to have a real problem with Arabic people, paticularly with those of the Maghreb. I haven't quite got to the bottom of that yet. My wife is French and the only racism she experienced was in the UK. Brexit was the final straw. A casual observer wouldn't notice how this legitimised racism overnight and exposed a deep seated hatred of "foreigners" among, especially, some of the right-leaning middle classes. I wouldn't have noticed either, without seeing the distress of my colleagues who were native French and German teachers.
All right-wing ideologies contain a greater or lesser element of racism and xenophobia. How can they not when they support hierarchies over equality?
French racism is surprising.
On moving here, I was happily surprised to see so many mixed-colour families out and about, which I rarely saw in England.
Nonsense…you must have lived in a very isolated little enclave of England. England is massively diverse in the main cities and large towns. I’ve holidayed in France a lot and you see as many foreign faces they’re as you do in the uk. And get out into the more rural areas it’s predominantly white as it is in England as immigrants tend to flock to the big cities and towns.

And brexit wasn’t about race though the lefties and remoaners try to make it about race at every opportunity.

The issue of immigration has nothing to do with race and there are huge issues right across Europe due to unfettered immigration policies destabilising entire cities. That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact.

And as for our illustrious leaders, they need to get their heads out of their own backsides and start listening to the people. We’ve seen governments overreaching themselves across Europe including the UK and over the pond in Canada with some pretty tyrannical actions against their own people. And anyone who speaks up against these actions are called far right….far easier to try to take people out of the conversation rather than have to contend with their opposing opinions.

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