Boys toy alert...

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I have seen one before the problem i see is getting that close to the fly, i use a fly swatter and the fly often flies off as you approach.

I have seen one before the problem i see is getting that close to the fly, i use a fly swatter and the fly often flies off as you approach.

View attachment 101149

Flies see around 250 frames per second where as we see around 24 frames per second. As you approach the fly it sees your actions in slow motion. It's not a fair fight. :laugh8:
I have been tempted a few times but don't know how I feel about firing salt at high velocity at my TV and windows which is where the flies usually land
Don't you just end up with salt everywhere with these if you use them indoors? Outdoors would be ok, but no real need to terminate insects outside.

I've considered buying the electric tennis racquet things in the past but the reviews generally suggest they aren't powerful enough, might have to look at the Executioner 🙂 I have also seen on YouTube as to how to modify them swapping to a 9V battery and a bigger capacitor for more oomph 😄
The best things i have ever used were stick on flowers that looked like sunflower heads you stuck them on a window and the flies are attracted to them I assume they try to feed on the flower which is poisonous and they soon die, no good if you have pets or young children.