More consistent.
The objective is to accurately & repeatedly dose many bottles.
The scope for error is elevated in batch priming. Errors weighing sugar, measuring water, maths, actual volume after racking.
It does however have the unique ability to consistently get the whole batch wrong
I for one would prefer to get one bottle wrong than the entire brew. Brew days have their moments, mine sure have. And the ability to look in the bottle (perhaps after the phone has interrupted you) and be able to do a visible check is positive confirmation.
Further.. dosing each bottle, requires us to visit each bottle in turn. If it has a chip, flaw, or even some residual cleaning agent

These can all be detected and corrected.
So we need accurate & repeatable measurement of an ingredient then. Now the modern food industry, brewing and medicine is built on this very thing. They call it dosing.
And to cut a rambling thread short.
What better than a sugar doser for under £10. Easier yes. More consistent - absolutely (in process and practise)
As brewers we like to use industry ideas why not this one?