Bottled my first wine today :)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Alsace, France



16 days from putting it in to ferment :shock:

As you can see in the background I have another 4g currently clearing... Now I'm just wondering where I can put them all to "forget about" for a few months!

This is the stash police :whistle: and it looks to me like you have created a rather delicious looking stash, complete with posh labels an wotnot :thumb: Why then however, have you not posted pics on my thread :cry: :cry: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm afraid I'll have to send a car round and confiscate the lot, don't say you weren't warned :lol: :lol:


Sorry ossifer...

I'm just wiating to build some new shelving in the garage to store growing stash... all will be photographed in detail at the weekend.

Promise :thumb:
Great stuff, look great those posh bottles :thumb:

Just out of interest - are you French or an expat living out there?

Shrink capsules were bought off ebay (search for shrink caps - lots to be had), and were shrunk by holding over the spout of a boiling kettle. Takes about 7 seconds each bottle.
aaah the many happy hours of wine making we did when young.... Professional wine labels and neck bands, proper corks with colour coded shrink wrapped tops. Made the wines look a little special they did.
Stopped doing all that when we reached the stage of pouring the wine from DJ's at the table.... :twisted: :twisted: decided it was time to cut back on my wine drinking !
Still a nicely presented bottle of GOOD home made wine is a fine sight.
Impressive :)

I was looking at the Brew Buddy wine kits in Tesco yesterday when I picked up my Coopers beer kit... I'm quite partial to a nice red, so would love to give that a go myself at some point.

Christmas is going to be interesting this year methinks ;)