Ok first things first i checked to make sure that the stop end fits the bottles i've got
success on the wine bottles!!! :)
not so good on the smaller magners bottle... this is a 300 and something ml bottle though, not the 568ml which is bigger.
in any case i'll be using it more for my wine bottling so we're still good to go for a prototype
I drilled a 1.5mm hole in the end of the cap... this was actually really easy as i thought the metal was harder than that... the downside is the bit snapped just as it got through the last bit of the end stop
here it is with the end stop drilled and hooked up to a pipe to the coupler for my cornie
i thought i'd try sanding the corners of the nut a little as it was everso slighty fouling the wine bottle neck at certain angles, i left enough flat edge to get my spanner on :) it still wont go into the magners bottle sadly though, but litterally only just... i reckon if i really had to i could sand some more off, but i shant for now
close up of the nut
and now for the first test..... get ready...... steady.........
look at it go!!! :lol: what a range on it

it reached the footpath 20 feet away
i also tested it in a wine bottle... it made a good bit of hissing against the glass... but i fear that unless the stream hits the dimple square on... it's not going to be very effiecient as the stream is so thin. i'll either need to add more smaller holes, or widen the single hole.
i'll report back when i've tinkered some more