Bottle Green Elderflower Wine

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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The girls at work asked if i could turn a bottle of BG Elderflower cordial into wine and i said sure so they gave it to me (given to them by our customer). I've made a lot of WOW and variations on the theme, but not a wine with a straight cordial. Does anyone have a recipe they would use, or the maths to work out how much sugar i would need to make up a gallon??

Thanks Rob :)
Can you please tell us the ingredients labelling and the sugar content of the cordial?

There should be a “carbohydrates (of which sugars)” per 100ml or per serving, and how big's the bottle or how many servings?
Cheers moley, right the detail:

500ml bottle
Carb 5.6g per 100ml
Of which sugars 5.6g per 100ml

Cotswold spring water
Citric acid

Hope that's enough


Well that sugar content is low enough as to be almost irrelevant. I think I would keep that fairly light, around 12% abv, so an OG around 1.085 = 230g sugar in the litre, 1 gallon = 4.5 litres, 4.5 x 230 = 1035g total sugar required.

I would suggest a ‘Basic White’ and use the cordial to top up after the whoosh.

To explain:
1 litre white grape juice
1 litre apple juice
Pectolase, cup of black tea, method as a WOW.

From the numbers on my Tesco juices, that would give 156 + 114 = 270g sugar plus 28g in the cordial. 1035 - 298 = 737g sugar to add - call it 750g.

2 litres of juices + 750g sugar into your DJ, add water to the base of the shoulder, general purpose wine yeast + nutrient, shake it well, fit airlock and leave for about a week, add your cordial - that way you will retain more of the elderflower flavour than if you put it in from the start.
Hey Moley you've done this once or twice before haven't you? Thanks very much for all the info, I'll get on to it as soon as I can find an empty demijohn

Rob :thumb:
sorry to necropost on my first post - i've been reading / using advice from this forum for a while now, but only just needed / compelled myself to post...

i think the info is slightly arwry in this thread - i'm pretty sure that the figures in the post about the sugar content are wrong by a factor of ten - the carb / sugar breakdowns shown on the bottle of ginger and lemongrass cordial i'm looking at are stated as a dilluted 1 to 10.

therefore, i reckon 500ml of cordial is 72g of of sugar in my bottle.

if that was the case, any advice on how much sugar to add? or indeed, would a single carton of white grape do it? i think it will make a cracking stones style ginger wine to make a whisky mack / moscow mule with - it carries a fair kick as a cordial.