Bleaching, sanitise question.

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Active Member
Jun 7, 2012
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Just bought myself a dustbin from B&Q to drop my 80 odd Newky brown bottles in.

What would be the preferred ratio of bleach/Milton/sanitizer to clean the said bottles.

Thanks in advance, Dave.
If I remember correctly the stuff i have, I think it's called vlp or something, says 4 teaspoons in 25l of warm water. Assuming the bin is sort of you average garden bin then I would say 4-5 teaspoons of the stuff if the bottles aren't soiled. If they are havily soiled then bring the concentration up by using less water. Wear gloves and do it in a well ventilated area.
In the end, went with a good old washing up liquid and bottle brush scrub.

The bottles are currently enjoying an 80 litre/400ml Milton bath for a couple of hours.
My usual approach to "new" unwashed, label on bottles is to give them a good soak in a bleach solution in a trug in the garden.
Limit this to no more than a week though because after a while, even with bleach and washing up liquid, the algae will start up and that stuff is harder to get off the bottles than the crud.
After 4 or 5 days, I'll empty them, take them in and get the sink full of hot water and a little bleach. The labels then get removed with the aid of a knife and a stainless steel scourer and the inside is treated to the bottle brush.
They are then rinsed and put away.
I'll still sanitise with a powder from the HBS and rinse before using.
Just adding onto this, If I clean and sterilise a Grolsch bottle and then fasten the cap, will this stay sterilised until I use it in the future and if so, how long? A day, week month?


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