bitter pallate?

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Active Member
Oct 7, 2008
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Is there a rule of thumb regarding what beers you can drink after each other without ruining ones pallate as i sometimes find if i start of with a beer with a bitter characteristic this seems to stop the taste buds from tasting the hops in another beer .This was the case last night although i also notice changes in temp in the room where the kegs are stored also change the taste.
if i'm beer tasting, i make a point of rinsing out my glass with water if reusing it, then swilling my mouth out with water (and swallowing) to get rid of residual flavours :thumb:
For me slurp I have to work my way UP the bitterness scale, otherwise I can't taste the next brew.
To test this theory try a bottle of Punked IPA from Tesco's...and then try anything else.
I had 4 bottles of it, and if I'm really honest, I couldn't taste another beer for the next 3 least :shock:
Yes i am sure you are right as i tried the same beers but in a different order hoppy-bitterness and that worked much better :cheers: I could try washing the glass between different pints as well its just i dont usually ,and i dont always have this problem .Next time i am going to keep to just a hoppy or bitter beer.I might also get a temp gauge in the beer celler and note if even subtle changes in temp are effecting the beers taste.

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