Hey there! Recently thought I'd try my hand at brewing and after a good read on the forums here I chose the malina recipe everyone seems to like. So I went with a 5 litre plastic container from my local homebrew shop and also bought some young's super yeast and super yeast nutrient. Into the container went 4 litres water, 1 litre apple juice, 1x 440ml bottle of malina and 400g of sugar and a teaspoon each of yeast and yeast nutrient. After 24 hours I found there was very little bubble-action going on so I thought maybe I didn't treat the yeast with the respect it needed and added another teaspoon. (think this was my mistake).Day 2 I wake up to find out it's bubbled over and there is some foam on the tray I was brewing on. (lucky me using a tray, not so angry wife). We're now 5 days in and it's almost stopped bubbling completely so on a whim this morning I've opened the container and dropped my hydrometer in and it's reading just above 1.000. With my limited knowledge of viscosity that does mean that there is almost no sugar left, is this correct? Should I add more sugar? It's been kept at 23 degrees. Thanks in advance gang.