Hello Folks,
I'm close to building my first PID controller, nearly all of the parts have arrived and I've done a decent amount of research on wiring etc.
I've got a few questions that I was hoping some kind soul might be able to help with.
Firstly here are a few photos of the plans.
From Sketchup;
and here is a rough schematic (apologies for it being a bit of a jungle!)
So my questions are as follows.
Firstly, I had planned on putting a 12v .5 amp adaptor in the box, to power the fan. I think it's going to be be too tight, space-wise to fit it in. Is it okay to power a small 40mm 12v fan from the SSR outputs?
I'm aware that the fan will cut in and out with SSR control.
Second, is it worth putting the extra switch on the output to the kettle?
I know that the SSR leakage is slight so perhaps this is unnecessary when the kettle can be easily unplugged. It's a single 2.4kw element with an IEC connector on the kettle.
Third, I bought a powercon duplex connector, thinking that this would be a neat and secure way of adding power in and out to the controller. It arrived with the outputs soldered to the inputs, so to be used as an extra output. I'm assuming that it's fine to unsolder this connection and re-solder the output as in the wiring diagram. Can anyone see a problem with this or have some further info to why this might not be a good idea?
Picture of the connector here;
Fourth, The XLR output for PT100 has an extra solder tag, which I've assumed is for a ground. I thought it would be sensible to add a ground to the heatsink too, as there'll be a metal nut on the outside of the plastic box to secure it. Is this a good idea?
Lastly, I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a once over the wiring and let me know if it all looks correct and safe. I've got a reasonable understanding of how it should all be connected and will be using correctly rated cable etc.
I'm very excited to have some proper control over my temps and really look forward to incorporating this controller into my little brew setup. I really want to make sure that it's all safe and logically connected before I do so any advice here would be much appreciated and gratefully received!
Cheers to you all!
I'm close to building my first PID controller, nearly all of the parts have arrived and I've done a decent amount of research on wiring etc.
I've got a few questions that I was hoping some kind soul might be able to help with.
Firstly here are a few photos of the plans.
From Sketchup;


and here is a rough schematic (apologies for it being a bit of a jungle!)

So my questions are as follows.
Firstly, I had planned on putting a 12v .5 amp adaptor in the box, to power the fan. I think it's going to be be too tight, space-wise to fit it in. Is it okay to power a small 40mm 12v fan from the SSR outputs?
I'm aware that the fan will cut in and out with SSR control.
Second, is it worth putting the extra switch on the output to the kettle?
I know that the SSR leakage is slight so perhaps this is unnecessary when the kettle can be easily unplugged. It's a single 2.4kw element with an IEC connector on the kettle.
Third, I bought a powercon duplex connector, thinking that this would be a neat and secure way of adding power in and out to the controller. It arrived with the outputs soldered to the inputs, so to be used as an extra output. I'm assuming that it's fine to unsolder this connection and re-solder the output as in the wiring diagram. Can anyone see a problem with this or have some further info to why this might not be a good idea?
Picture of the connector here;

Fourth, The XLR output for PT100 has an extra solder tag, which I've assumed is for a ground. I thought it would be sensible to add a ground to the heatsink too, as there'll be a metal nut on the outside of the plastic box to secure it. Is this a good idea?
Lastly, I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a once over the wiring and let me know if it all looks correct and safe. I've got a reasonable understanding of how it should all be connected and will be using correctly rated cable etc.
I'm very excited to have some proper control over my temps and really look forward to incorporating this controller into my little brew setup. I really want to make sure that it's all safe and logically connected before I do so any advice here would be much appreciated and gratefully received!
Cheers to you all!