Basically you can use an all grain recipe for the amount of beer you want to end up with. Then you replace some of the base malt with extract. I recommend using dried extract. You multiply the amount of grain you are replacing by 0.6 to calculate how much DME to use.
EG. Recipe for 10 litres contains 1.8 kg Maris Otter. You could use 1kg Maris Otter and replace the other 800 grams with extract. To work out how much extract to use you multiply 800 by 0.6. (= 480g).
So you mash 1kg of MO with the other grains in the recipe, crystal, Munich, chocolate etc. If there are any. Then you boilt the wort and add all the hops for the 10 litre recipe. At the end you cool the wort, add it to the FV, mix the dried extract in thoroughly, and top up the FV to 10 litres.
Boil as much as you can, around 6 litres in your case. Top it with boiling water from your kettle as it drops. This will help get all the hop juices out!
[You could use 800g Maris Otter and replace 1kg with 600g extract. This is easy to remember, replace every kilogram of base malt with 600g DME].
There are quite a few 10 litre AG recipes in the Completed and Brewed Recipes forum now. Either replace 1kg base malt with 600g DME, or use a 500g bag of DME to replace approx 800g base malt.