Best "lager" kit beer for starters?

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Active Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Hey guys done some TC in the past and a few wows. want to try my hand at some beer. I have a Wilky's and a Morrison's. I could even buy some spraymalt online from ... tract.html seems to be the cheapest.

I'm also interested in some of the better beer kits to use and what sugars to use with them?

I've got a keg but I'm thinking about investing in a capper and going to the pub and asking for bottles.

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome.
The only Lager kit I have made is the Coopers Australian one and its lovely.

I make mine with 1kg of normal white sugar and its turns out fine. Will be making my 4th batch next week and looking to add 500g of honey and 500g of sugar.

Found that it has abit of an aftertaste if you drink it too soon after bottling/kegging, I always leave mine for around four weeks before getting stuck in
Im going to order either the coopers european or the cervaza one. Havent made my mind up yet but have got 1kg of glucose in so might use that or get some enhancer
My and also SE10PAT have brewed cervaza and both turned out with no fizz.

Not sure on the european myself but I did read some bad reviews but im sure other memeber can say if its a good brew or not.
I did both the Coopers Euro & Cerveza when I was brewing kits and both proved very popular with lager drinkers and most said the Euro was the best. But, the Cerveza is ready to drink in 4 weeks and doesn't change much, the Euro takes 12 weeks to condition and really does improve if you can leave it that long. The Euro also comes with a true lager yeast that will need to ferment at somewhere between 12-15 degrees. Cerveza can be done at normal room temperatures.
I wouldn't use enhancer for a lager as it will add a malty taste and you'll loose that crisp clean mouth feel. 1kg brewing sugar would be ideal