Best album in the history of the Universe, ever

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Mar 31, 2009
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Never mind Top 5 / Top 10 favourite albums, I think that's just about impossible to answer as mine change by the day, but is there one absolute favourite album which you never tire of listening to?

If you were to be cast away on a desert island and could only take one album, what would it be?

Double albums allowed but ‘Greatest Hits’ compilations are too much of a cop-out.

Mine would have to be Genesis, “Seconds Out”.
I would have to take The Division Bell from Pink Floyd.
What an album!!
Thought about this long and hard.

Are LIVE albums alowed or are these classed as greatest hits albums :hmm: . If there alowed then its Dire Straits Alchemy.

If not im going with The Hamsters and Electric Hamsterland.
:hmm: hard hard question - lots of thought and if it can be a soundtrack and I can take the film then Quadraphenia by The Who :thumb:
snail59 said:
Are LIVE albums allowed or are these classed as greatest hits albums :hmm: .
“Seconds Out” is a live album from the ‘post-Gabriel, early Collins’ era, so you may have Dire Straits :thumb:

Likewise Quadrophenia :thumb:
Would i like to be stuck on an island with you lot,you can brew nectar from anything.the best music ever, just hope some one can rig up a solar panel to power the CD player, my choice The works by Queen or Parallel lines by Blondi, will give it some more thought over another worzel
Never Tire of Foo Fighters - The Color and The Shape

Everlong = awesome song..

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