Best album in the history of the Universe, ever

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Can't do it .. keep changing my mind.

Seconds Out is definately one of the best albums of all time... went to see the film when it came ou. But there are far too many others, notably The Song Remains The Same, Dark Side of the Moon .. and on on and on!
Tony said:
Can't do it .. keep changing my mind.
That's the trouble, and that's why I said I could never choose a Top 10, for instance there would have to be a Queen album but which one?

Some great albums suggested so far, a few I've never heard but will have to check out, and also some surprising omissions as yet.

Nice to see a bit of culture from Jim, if I had to choose one classical work it would probably be Dvorak's 9th (New World) despite the 2nd movement being forever blighted by those sodding bread commercials.

Keep them coming :cheers:
Ha! Hovis.....spartacus is similarly blighted by the 'Onedin Line' telly prog, can't hear it without seeing a clipper smashing through the waves!
For Classical it would have to be

Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto no 3 played by Argerich, This truly is a classic piece of music, Grieg's piano concerto in A Minor is a close second.

As others have said.......very, very difficult one this.

In the end I've gone for Pulp, 'His 'n' Hers'.
I've so many memories tied up in that album....good and bad.
Musically, I think it is brilliant and the lyrics are a social commentary of the time.
I cant believe no ones pulled me up on my choice :?
robsan77 said:
I can't believe no one's pulled me up on my choice :?
Why? What's wrong with that choice?

They've come out with some decent tracks, and it was a great cover photo on their debut album.
rickthebrew said:
:hmm: hard hard question - lots of thought and if it can be a soundtrack and I can take the film then Quadraphenia by The Who :thumb:

OOOH Film sound track's :eek: if id thought that would have been alowed i'd have gone for The Crow :thumb: . Thought I was pushing my luck with a LIVE ALBUM. :D :D
If it were classical it would have to be Beethoven: Emperor Concerto.

Moley: If you can get hold of a DVD of Seconds Out (or even an AVI file) I will love you forever and have all your babies.

I've always wanted my own football team, 15 enough (with reserves)?
PULP - Diferent Class :thumb:
Tony said:
If it were classical it would have to be Beethoven: Emperor Concerto.
I couldn't decide which Beethoven work to go for, not the 5th, maybe the 6th or 9th, he wrote too many good tunes. UP's Rachmaninoff or Grieg are cracking tunes, I'm also quite into Mussorgsky, but on balance I think I'll stick with the Dvorak.

Tony said:
Moley: If you can get hold of a DVD of Seconds Out (or even an AVI file) I will love you forever and have all your babies.
TBH I never even realised there was a film of that. Besides which, I've done with babies, got one of each growing up nicely, the thought of starting again gives me the screaming heebie jeebies.

Right, where's my iPod? Time for some Pulp I think :thumb: