Should be ok Wez, as you say the hop utilization will be a difficult to replicate it it turns out spot this brew :)
Presumably you could not have stuggled on with one element ?
Thing is with big brews, you get big problems when it goes wrong. My last big one was split into two buckets and for some reason I never bothered to check for yeast head, for 4 or 5 days. Don't know why, always do, must have been to busy, never had a problem before! Well one bucket was as flat as a witches tit. Added more yeast but it tasted just a bit strange after fermenting. Bottled and kegged both bucket eventually, but both developed the antiseptic taste :evil: taste. 11 gallons down the drain, a very sad day indeed.
Your predicament has spurred me on to add a third element to my big boiler,one of those short Beeker ones.I have two horizontal element quite a way off the bottom. I can then do smaller brews in it and turn this element first to start to get the temperature up sooner and it will save me getting in the do dos like you
Bit of brew porn called for to cheer us up. You can see what I mean,