Beerworks Bohemian Pilsner

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2021
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Hi, Anyone brewed the Beerworks Bohemian blonde Pils, classic German pilsner? I brew with grain and it's been years since I brewed an extract kit but I have acquired one of these kits. My question is that it comes with what it says is a premium lager yeast but doesn't say what yeast strain it is. It states to ferment at 20-25C whch makes me think it's not a lager yeast at all let alone a premium one.
So - Anyone that has brewed this kit, would you use the yeast as stated @ 20C, use the yeast but at lager temps ie 14C or replace the yeast altogether?
I am not bothered about it being true to style and I brew all types of beer, my preference being ales so the yeasts I have available are 1- Diamond lager.
2- US-05.
3- S-04
4- Nottingham
Thank you
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Never heard of it. Sounds iffy to me. Bohemia isnt part of Germany, its historically part of Moravia and more recently corresponds to Czechoslovakia.
Wouldn't have to much confidence in the rest of their claims.
But brew it up. It might be lovely.