- Free personalized beer labels online

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New Member
Sep 26, 2011
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I've just released the first version of a free online tool for creating beer labels:

The purpose of the site is to make it as simple as possible to generate and print personalized, good looking beer labels in just a few clicks. Right now there are only a few label designs to choose from, but the plan is to add new ones continuously. Only square label designs so far, with the intention of making them easy to print, cut and paste to the bottles.

Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be glad to receive any kind of feedback, good and bad!


Thanks guys! I'm really glad you like it!

Keep posting all you thoughts on the site such as bug reports, problems, improvement suggestions. Your feedback is very important to me!
BeerLabelCreator said:
Thanks guys! I'm really glad you like it!

Keep posting all you thoughts on the site such as bug reports, problems, improvement suggestions. Your feedback is very important to me!

Just had a look - very good easy to use.
How about allowing other users to upload their designs or a way of changing the pics etc? :thumb:
screamlead said:
BeerLabelCreator said:
Thanks guys! I'm really glad you like it!

Keep posting all you thoughts on the site such as bug reports, problems, improvement suggestions. Your feedback is very important to me!

Just had a look - very good easy to use.
How about allowing other users to upload their designs or a way of changing the pics etc? :thumb:

It's a good idea, and one that I have actually considered myself. For now I have chosen to just focus on simplicity rather than lots of features. But it might very well be something that I'll implement in some form in the future.
Green Ninja said:
Looks great!

Here's the only other one I've found on the 'net

Maybe you could "borrow" some of the bits on there?

Keep up the good work!!

Yep, that's the only other "decent" label making tool I found as well. I really like it and have already taken some inspiration from it, without borrowing to much to make my site look like a copy. In the end I guess it all comes down to having many attractive label design to choose from, and making it easy for the user to generate them. You can hopefully expect to see a lot of improvments on in the future!
oz11 said:
Looks good, but just tried running it at the office using IE8, and each time I go into it it seems to crash, then I get a message saying IE has recovered the tab. Not a huge thing and I know it's our fault for running IE as our browser!
Thanks, great input. Hadn't tried it in IE8, only IE9 where it seems to work fine. Gonna see if I can find a computer with IE8 to test on, or find a way to run both 8 & 9 in parallell.
Without dual booting, I don't know of any way to run two versions of IE on one machine. The only other option I can think of is to install Windows onto a virtual PC using Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 or VMware and then install IE8 onto that.
Thanks again all of you for your feedback!

I'll let you know when I make any bigger changes to the site or add new designs. Won't have much time the next few weeks, but I'm hoping to pick up the pace in November again.

Run Firefox.

IE is a load of tosh. The number of problems we have at work printing from IE9 is a joke.

Either that or Chrome.

both are better than the Microshaft offering.
Hi everyone!

You might have noticed there hasn't been much going on at for the last couple of months. But now I'm back with a couple of updates.

The biggest update is that I just recently made all the labels available in different colors. There are still only seven distinct label designs, but all of them are available in somewhere between two and six color themes. Just pick a label design on the start page, and on the next step you'll get to pick a color.

I will try to find time to keep adding more labels every now and then.

I always post news on my RSS news feed (, and on Twitter (!/BrLblCrtr). Please follow me on one of those channels if you want to know what's going on, since I won't be posting here at the forum that often.

Hope you still find the site useful. Cheers,
