Beer with Zero head

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Its a dogs life
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Don't know what's gone wrong here, but my last brew, bottled over two months ago has absolutely no head. :( Its been in a cold outside cupboard, with little heat to start secondary fermentation and comes into house at close to zero degrees and is warmed in the sink containing hot water before drinking. Desperate measures :lol:
Its crystal clear, has tongue and tastes superb, my chief taster has just rang to say how good it was :)
Far from an issue to dispose of it ;) , but what could be the problem ? Never had it before in my previous 63 brews :?
I am sure someone out there will know the simple answer .
Hi W
Sorry should have put that, we are talking AG here. Recipe was an adaptation based on a Scottish Light from Graham wheeler's book. It was fine last time.
After setting up the HLT I discovered had ran out of pale malt, so used up some old ? ( maybe :? ;) ) lager malt that we had bought in to make some " stuff" :lol: for the ladies.
Pale Malt 1300
Lager Malt 3100
Crystal Malt 190
Roast Barley 60
I've found a little track of washing liquid near the brew can do that. The brew will be conditioned but no head. The Mrs is well trained not to splash dish water near the brew.

As it tastes good; no big loss.

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