beer life

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2013
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how long can one reasonably expect beer to last for in the bottle?

does beer go 'off' eventually? i imagine so, but if so, how long...?
pretty sure it depends on the type of beer and what you consider "life".

A few examples; hoppy beer like american pale ale can lose a lot of the hop character after a few months. A strong abv beer should last longer than a less strong one, and wheats are meant to be drank young.

If you use plastic bottles, I've heard it won't last much longer than 6 months.

If it's in glass, i've heard of beers being opened 10-15 years after bottling, and although oxidised, and have lost all hop character and carbonation, it's been infection free and drinkable.
If its full of alcohol and has been filled well then stored at low temps, then it could last over a year no problem.

If its low alcohol, not filled well and stored at room temp or with temp fluctuations, you may find it can be going off in a matter of weeks! (also some yeasts allow the beer the oxidise quicker (wlp002))
robsan77 said:
If its full of alcohol and has been filled well then stored at low temps, then it could last over a year no problem.
Some beers (e.g. RIS) aren't ready to drink until they have had at least 18 months in the bottle.
interestingly, Roger Protz in his book 200 beers to try before you die (a christmas present :thumb: ) suggests buying bottled Worthingtons White Shield beer and laying it down for some years to let the flavours develop...
many years ago I had started brewing again and checked out all my kit that was in garage and found 3 bottles that I had escaped my sight when finishing all my home brew when I had been brewing. These 3 bottles were at least 3 years old and when chatting to a mate who also brewed, he told me they would be great, so I tried them and they were. I kept one for my mate but after a week of not seeing him I drank it as well :cheers

These were in proper bottles (brown glass) so as long as there stored I think they'll last many a year
I find most of my beers (5.5%) start coming into their own after 6 months and are still fine 12 months later. The exception to this is my Hoppy pale ale which uses a lot of late hop additions, these tend to lose the aroma after about 2-3 months but evolve into something quite different but equally pleasurable. My barley wine is only now coming into its own after 27 months and I suspect it will still be being drunk for another 18 months.

:thumb: :thumb:
My hoppy pale ales, with mainly American hops, reach their peak after about 6 weeks in the bottle. The freshness and intensity of the hops then diminishes, but they are still good to sup :drink: